

Well-Known Member
Okay so a buddy was telling me about increase yields with closed room with CO2.
If I do this what temperatures can they comfortably handle?
If I use an AC that exhaust air is that considered closed room still?
I think my room would run about 86-90 and 40ish RH if closed up with AC and no other exhaust. Would this work.
he also said the increased heat and co2 helps make sure you don’t get PM or Bugs. Is this true? Everything on Google contradicts itself.
What size is your room?


Well-Known Member
Okay so a buddy was telling me about increase yields with closed room with CO2.
If I do this what temperatures can they comfortably handle?
If I use an AC that exhaust air is that considered closed room still?
I think my room would run about 86-90 and 40ish RH if closed up with AC and no other exhaust. Would this work.
he also said the increased heat and co2 helps make sure you don’t get PM or Bugs. Is this true? Everything on Google contradicts itself.
@SlobOnMyKnob I'm on my second grow with CO2 and really like it. Real hard flower set and the yields seem bigger to me.
Higher temps are cool with co2; I'm running up to 86F.
I think warmer temps would make the bugs happy.
Here's a link to my AC unit.
You just can't run those portable AC units since they need a dryer style vent to exhaust the hot air (and co2).