Co2 ?


Active Member
I have a 2 burner in a 4x4x7 room. Im in Veg. and I know you use the gen threw the veg stage. Im about to Induce flowering in 2 weeks.

How much longer do I use the burner for? Do I keep it threw flowering?

Also just to double check, when should I start useing the burner when starting with clones. Once I place in the Hydroton?
To begin with, a burner that not on a co2 controller is just about useless.I used a cyclestat timer which determines length and duration of burn according to cubic footage of room,again practically useless.You could not take into account the number of plants in the room or what stage of flowering they were in,Again,you must have a controlller to keep that PPM fluctuation to a minimum,like no more than a couple hundred PPM.I set my controller for 1500PPM(thats called setpoint).When the level drops 50 PPM below setpoint (1450 PPM) it kicks in the burner and it burns until setpint(1500PPM).Curiously enough it stops at setpoint but continues to climb another 100PPM or more.Mine usually levels off around 1650PPM and starts the slow descent back down to 1450PPM wwhere the burner kicks in and the process repeats.Having the non-fluctuating high PPM level for 12 hours straight is priceless.With the fluctuations its basically useless,it would be as if you were using regular co2 levels.I've never used co2 in veg and wouldnt either,no reason for it.Your 25% to 30% increase in yield if done corrctly will occur during flowering


Active Member
thanks spark. So its pointless to use my gen threw veg, Yet use it "only" threw flowering#1 and #2 Its pointless to even add co2 with my gen in inter voles of 15 threw out the day in the meanwhile until i grab a co2 controller?

What about this... I did the math and for my room size and gen size the gen needs to stay on for 1hr34min to fill the room with 1200ppms. If I leave my gen on for 1hr34 min in the start of the day/lighting then it would fill the room with the right amount of co2 the do inter voles of 15 threw out the rest of the day keeping it UP, not necessarily at a precise 1500ppms but close. Would this be the best until I get my controller?


Active Member
1st Hemp use this website calculate your Co2 and run it when lights are on but ya only really benefit in flower. I run a Co2 tank with solenoid in a 8x8x7 flower room and the calculator says it takes 32min @ 1 cubic foot per hour. I run 45 min on 1 hour off over and over during flower. I bought a simple CO2 test kit to test the room and make sure I liked the levels between saturations. I also turn my fans off during saturation which I'm still debating over delaying them more and more lol.

Best of Luck


co2 on a timer is better than no co2 at all.

i have mine set at 15min on 30min off. run ESPECIALLY through flower.