
The humidifier sounds interesting, you kinda lost me on your 2nd paragraph though. Maybe theres a language barrier?
no I am just high
I did not tel my brother i was growing till after that day just wanted to see if the cover up worked and it did lol

you can see the `co2 in the air and boy is the yeast smelllll strong
Yes it is I am turning on the humidify every 1-2 hrs for about 25 min and they get a good blast plus I have 4 milkjugs just hanging out...
I used to work in a dairy and we also bottelred water and let me tell you you could only stand in front of the machine for about 20-30 befor you had to walk away
gee Jason, I hate to disagree with you, but that info is wrong. 1500 ppm is what you are aiming for, however, commercial growers regularly raise there ppm to 15,000 as a way to kill of any infestation. Even at 15,000ppm the plants are doing fine.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas that is found in small quantities in the air, and is essential for plant life, without it plants could not survive.
Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plants and during photosynthesis the CO2 is is split into it's basic elements, carbon and oxygen. Small amounts of oxygen are used by the plant but most of the oxygen are released back into the atmosphere.The carbon is combined with water (H2O) in the presence of light to form a sugar molecule. The plants then convert the sugar into carbohydrates. When the plant absorbs nutrients (primarily nitrogen from the roots) they are combined with the carbohydrates to form new plant tissue. This process is called photosynthesis. The entire process is only as good as its weakest link. If any of the required ingredients (light, CO2, water and nutrients) are at a level below that which the plant can use for maximum efficiency, the plant will not perform at it's full potential.In other words, if you inject CO2 into a system that is not receiving enough light or nutrients the results will be disappointing. We here at Hydro-U recommend that CO2 injection should only be done by experienced gardeners with a good working knowledge of their gardening system. Once a gardener is comfortable with the workings of their system and plant growth, CO2 can be a great benefit, however there are a lot of variables involved with using CO2 and beginners can really have their hands full, increasing the likelihood of a disaster (like total death of the entire crop).
There are several conditions that must be met for the plants to be able to use the increased CO2 levels properly. The most important is lighting. Light levels must be very high (more than 20 watts per square foot) or there will be little or no increase in plant growth rates. The plants will like slightly higher temperatures than normal (approx. 3 - 5 degrees higher). The plants will also metabolize water and nutrients faster, so reservoirs may need a little more attention.
Plants can absorb and process very large amounts of CO2. There is usually about 300 to 600 p.p.m. (parts per million) of CO2 in the atmosphere. Most plants can use 1500 p.p.m. in optimum growing conditions. When using elevated levels of CO2 the growth rate can be increased by as much as 100% to 200%. Most studies report increases in the 40% to 50% range.
The ideal situation would be to keep the CO2 levels at optimum at all times. This would require constant injection of low levels of gas (constantly replacing what the plants are using). This is not practical in most situations as venting of the growing environment is often needed to control heat build up. In these cases CO2 injection should be done immediately following venting.
The biggest problem that people encounter when using CO2 is that they get carried away, they think that a little is good so a lot is better....NOT! When CO2 levels approach 2000 p.p.m. most plants will die. High levels of CO2 are also toxic to humans, primarily due to oxygen deficiency. Before injecting CO2 the room should be vented to remove excess CO2 that might be left over from the previous injection, this prevents the build up of CO2 that could harm the plants.
There are several ways to get extra CO2, the two most common are using bottled CO2 and using CO2 generators. These are the automated ways to add CO2 to the growing environment. Getting precise control of the CO2 levels in your growing environment can be rather expensive, CO2 monitors are the best method, these monitors keep a constant reading of the C levels and automatically adds gas when needed. These monitors are fairly expensive so most people opt for a more inexpensive method (like timers).
There are also several "low-tech" ways to increase CO2 levels. Additional information about using all these methods follows:
Using Bottled CO2

There are several ways to introduce CO2 into the growing environment. Probably the most popular method is to used bottled gas. This type of CO2 injection consists of a CO2 tank, a pressure gauge (monitors how much gas is remaining in the tank), a flow meter (to monitor the amount of gas being released), a solenoid valve (turns the flow of gas on and off as needed) and a method of controlling the solenoid valve (a timer or other controller).
To insure that your garden is receiving enough (but not too much) CO2 from your bottled system, I have included the following charts (see below) that can be easily followed to determine how long you need to emit gas to bring the CO2 levels up to 1000 (first chart)p.p.m. or 1500 p.p.m.(second chart). Charts are supplied by Green Air Products.
Carbon Dioxide Flow Chart for Emitter Systems1000 PPM(B) Flow in Cu. Ft. / Hr.(A) Cu.Ft.of
Area10152025 *30 *(C) Time (in minutes)4002.​
A. The cubic feet of the enclosure is determined by the formula (L x W x H).
videoman40 i don't think you are right and i don't no where you got that info from. pleas let me no. CO2 at 15,000 is ridicules that would kill the plants in no time at all. Anything more than 2000 can and will kill most plants so i would assume that 13000 more would not only kill the plants, but you to after being in that room for any extended amount of time.
Using Bottled CO2

There are several ways to introduce CO2 into the growing environment. Probably the most popular method is to used bottled gas. This type of CO2 injection consists of a CO2 tank, a pressure gauge (monitors how much gas is remaining in the tank), a flow meter (to monitor the amount of gas being released), a solenoid valve (turns the flow of gas on and off as needed) and a method of controlling the solenoid valve (a timer or other controller).
To insure that your garden is receiving enough (but not too much) CO2 from your bottled system, I have included the following charts (see below) that can be easily followed to determine how long you need to emit gas to bring the CO2 levels up to 1000 (first chart)p.p.m. or 1500 p.p.m.(second chart). Charts are supplied by Green Air Products.
Carbon Dioxide Flow Chart for Emitter Systems1000 PPM(B) Flow in Cu. Ft. / Hr.(A) Cu.Ft.of
Area10152025 *30 *(C) Time (in minutes)4002.​
Hey Dude, your above link while very informative, is totally wrong. I have read it before too. Just goes to show how much misinformation there is out there!
Are these opinions of yours based on your 1st hand knowledge? Dont bother answering, I know the answer already. The problem with reading on the internet, is you need to be able to seperate fact from fiction. Co2 at that rate while it would certainly kill you and/or any pests, would not hurt the plants at all. In fact they will love it. It is obvious that most of your posts in this thread are total plagiarism, save yourself some time, and simply supply the link instead. such as like this:
CO2 to kill mites
This article talks about raising the co2 to 10,000ppm to kill pests, although 15,000 is not unheard of either. I can assure you I've seen grow rooms (1st hand) where if you entered without a mask, you would be knocked out immediately upon entering.

If you wish to argue a point, please do so and come armed with your 1st hand knowledge. do not start to publicly disagree with somone based solely on something you read on the net, perhaps a better way would be to say, "hey dude, you say this, but I read that, can you explain it to me further?"
Because believing everything you read on the net is "ridicules"

Jason, if you dont believe me, try it for yourself 1st hand.

PS, You know what they say about assuming!

videoman40 i don't think you are right and i don't no where you got that info from. pleas let me no. CO2 at 15,000 is ridicules that would kill the plants in no time at all. Anything more than 2000 can and will kill most plants so i would assume that 13000 more would not only kill the plants, but you to after being in that room for any extended amount of time.
lol, this is a little off the subject, but i started this thread a couple days ago and i come back tonight to not only find it 4 pages long, (Cool in its own...) But there is also going to be a f*&%ing hanging in a few minutes because someone didnt get knocked out by co2 i think it is... didnt follow it all the way... JUST THOUGHT IT WAS HUMORIS... Thanks guys, got a smile on my face for once.

Ok videoman i was just posting the thread because i wonted to show you from one of many places that running over 2000 ppm is not good. And for a fact i no it is not a good thing to run over 2000 ppm first had i have killed a crop from overdoing it with co2 don't make me sound like i am sum 13 year old kid that don't no a thing. i am 30 and have been growing for 10 + years!!!!! how bout you. you can post what you want misinformation or not it is cool with me but i don't think it is wright to try to trash what i have to say when i no that i am wright. Where did you git that 15000 ppm at any way you no that they kneed o2 just as much as co2 if not more. i am not going to go back and forth about this with you i am just here like you to help with the knowledge i have gained over the years growing take it as you will. O and nice posting of the url don't forget you cant believe every thing you read as you said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow Jason yr something else. If all what you say is true, that why didnt you post from yr own experience rather than to have to cut and paste someone elses info to prove yr point? I seriously doubt you killed a crop from too much co2, maybe not enough oxygen, but not too much co2, no way.
I am sure you've killed a crop of marijuana, what with all the bs you believe, after all it is just a weed and you killed a whle crop of weeds? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I have seen these techniques 1st hand, I dont have to cut and paste anything.
By the way, we are not going to go back and fourth over this, I know what I say is a fact, I wouldnt have answered if I didnt know, and this conversation is over as far as I'm concerned.
Hey, This is MY Thread... Not Feloniouscarpo... but I Will share... But Stop Your Arguing guys, Who cares, People do things different, Cool, all the time... COOL... I dont see why you guys are arguing so much abou this, all i Asked was how much Co2 was too much.. I got my awnser, Thank You Both, but i dont want you 2 fucking killing eachother over a god damn mountain dew bottle with fucking yeast, sugar, and water in it... Christ, you guys are both on this site to help people figure stuff out and learn new things, How about you both just listen to eachother and Figure shit out instead of just trying to rip eachothers fucking heads off... Sorry for all the Cursing, but i didnt have time to edit it all out between listening to you too fight about an invisable gas... Not trying to piss anyone off but stop acting like Children and get along... Thanks for the info guys, you helped out. :-)
