
Does any one know any cheap way to add CO2 to my grow room. I've heard of using dry ice but I wanted to explore better options before using it. Any help is appreciated thanks


Active Member
go have a look on google you will find page after page on there

and use the search dont mean to sound like an ass but people need to search a bit more and stop relying on us to


Well-Known Member
Do not use dry ice, it is very costly and time consuming (unless you live right next to a place that sells it at a discount).

I have attempted to use yeast and it is also costly in the long run and there is maintenance.

My only suggestion is that you save your money until you have enough to actually buy the proper equipment designed to dispense CO2, the initial cost will be high, but the long term cost will be cheaper.

On a side note, I would not even waste the time or money adding CO2 unless you have the essentials MASTERED and down to a TEE. Light, humidity, air circulation, PH, watering, etc.

More often than not, the money and time invested in CO2 would be better spent investing in better equipment used to facilitate the mastery of the essentials (or security?).


Well-Known Member
The mini CO2 cartridges they use for airsoft guns work perfect on a budget! Just get them to start leaking and place them in the grow room!


Active Member
Dont waste your time with CO2 until you feel it is a limiting factor. As NORML said master the fundamentals first before trying to manage CO2 enrichment as well.