Coast of Maine SB


Well-Known Member
Hey yall, I’m currently interested in Organics. I want to move away from salts and coco. I ended up going with Coast of Maine Stonington Blend as a starter mix for my first attempt. Will it be enough to get the most out of my plants? Or should I be pickin up some kind of supplement or dry amendments to mix into the COM before transplanting. Reason as to why I’m curious is that on the COM bag it states the guaranteed analysis is 0.50-0.34-0.12. What I’m used to seeing is much higher ratios of NPK. Anything helps!
Check out the Organics forum, specifically the first 2 posts: “organic feeding 101” and “R.O.L.S - recycled organic living soil”. Those 2 threads will give you a huge pile of info to start your organic quest and answer a lot of basic questions. There are too many variables to know if that soil will carry you through to the end or not - like pot size, how long your grow goes, and how hungry your specific plants are.