I guess this was a decent question then lol
After all the input, gonna go with 2x 700ma drivers and 16x CXB 3590's. for the 4x4 space. Initial costs will be higher but hopefully I can make up for it in sheer efficiency. 400w total (was tempted to go 600w but I think that might be overkill)
Damn dude that is legit. Which driver are you using for your second example? I have some notes on the Mean Well 185h-c1050 that I took off growmau5's videos, & he was saying at 179v forward voltage it could power 5 CXB3590's, and the HLG 240hc1050b could power 6. Seems I would be short running 3x 185h-c1050's by a single cob?
Your post is awesome by the way thanks.
yes i understand that..and to be fair ...nothing penetrates a penetrates where there are openings
my post was a question..because i don't know for sure..and i am not sure you know the answer [either]
do you have that link handy im having a hard time understanding if it can pass through the upper canopy then why not through the lower? i can see it get reflected but not transmittedcertain wavelengths will indeed "penetrate" the leaf biological material itself not just "empty spaces" , that is correct.
SDS pointed this out a while ago and is one reason why green light will drive photosynthesis lower in the canopy...because the red and blue wavelenghts mostly seem to be absorbed by the top parts of the canopy....
do you have that link handy im having a hard time understanding if it can pass through the upper canopy then why not through the lower? i can see it get reflected but not transmitted
certain wavelengths will indeed "penetrate" the leaf biological material itself not just "empty spaces" , that is correct.
SDS pointed this out a while ago and is one reason why green light will drive photosynthesis lower in the canopy...because the red and blue wavelenghts mostly seem to be absorbed by the top parts of the canopy....
Checked it out and just as I thought it isnt really a thing... If you have a tight canopy (scrog or just a trellis) you wont have any light over 100PPF going through the first layer of leaves making this for all intents and purposes a pointless thing to bring up. The numbers were the same for HPS, DE HPS, and COBS.
The only way to get more into the canopy is side lighting and not having a hot spot (IE multiple LES) Which might be a good idea.
Now if you have a stretchy strain then the more PPF/D you have the farther down the light will go, but that doesn't necessarily correlate to more wattage. That "penetration" only exists because there is space for light to pass through (those stretchy strains), but with a proper canopy thats pointless anyways.
Long story short, More PPF/D in a area (to a certain level) is what makes penetration a thing. its not directly dictated by power or how many watts you're pushing, but rather the usable light that is being pushed on the canopy level.
do you have that link handy im having a hard time understanding if it can pass through the upper canopy then why not through the lower? i can see it get reflected but not transmitted
I can't locate that nifty calculator you were using
do you have that link handy im having a hard time understanding if it can pass through the upper canopy then why not through the lower? i can see it get reflected but not transmitted
Damn dude that is legit. Which driver are you using for your second example? I have some notes on the Mean Well 185h-c1050 that I took off growmau5's videos, & he was saying at 179v forward voltage it could power 5 CXB3590's, and the HLG 240hc1050b could power 6. Seems I would be short running 3x 185h-c1050's by a single cob?
Your post is awesome by the way thanks.
Malocan measured the spectral distribution of light that had passed through leaves. Lots of FR in there.
I did see lots of light penetration from the COBs . They can get under the leaves much easier than with higher hanging light sources. I could literally see beams of light passing under the leaves when before there wasn't