
So after talking to some people this seems to be normal.

i still have to check it out to make sure but was told as long as it’s hard and doesn’t rub off it’s fine. One guy showed me a macro shot of his with all the sugar crystals on the outside.
I think it would. Compression seems to be a key part. Actually now that I think of it I did see one where a guy hammered buds into a pipe until he couldn’t fit anymore and then cut the pipe off and fermented the brick.

I smoked some of the little one today, it’s definitely a noticeable difference and this one only had a three day ferment and a month cure. Can’t wait for the big one with two weeks of fermenting.

The taste and high are much different from the jar bud and the smoke was very smooth. Also it seems to be more potent but I haven’t smoked the jarred bud from that strain in over a week.

idk how to even describe the taste, kind of sour but in a good way.

The high is 100% head buzz. Pretty clear with a definite psychedelic lean to it. I could feel my brain buzzing behind my eyes.
What kinds??

I made mine when it was really fresh, most guides let it dry a few days but they said the wetter it is the faster it ferments. So since I wanted an extremely fermented one to really see what’s up I figured I might as well do it basically right off the plant.

definitely keep me updated I’m really curious about this stuff. The way the smell and flavor changes is insane.

I’ll be Cobbing some of each type from now on myself.

this was a test run for a Laos landrace I have going. My ph pen broke and it needs way lower ppm than I expected so it’s pretty rough but looks like it’ll survive lol. This is 8.5 weeks and I’m just now seeing some brown pistils.


I’m even more excited to try a real Sativa than I was about the cob.

these foxtail buds look so weird I can definitely believe all the stories about how different weed was in the 70s.

I got my first two maxidubes rolled up; they are 87+ grams total. I can't find the Vac-n-Seal and the wife is at the neighbor's house visiting so I'll have to wait til she gets home to get that for me, but I went ahead and started the dehydrator without them being vac-n-sealed. Granted that I was hanging my weed and I had only removed the fan leaves and any larger sugar leaves so I still had to snip the buds off. It took a lot more time than I was expecting, especially considering what I've got there, two little "logs". I may roll another one tonight and slip it in there but I'm pretty tired; this was a lot of work. Wrapping them with the hemp cord was pretty time consuming too, not that I'm complaining. We're going out of town for a few days this weekend so that should be perfect for fermenting but they might go a little long. I don't mind the three month cure; I've got enough bud for a year if my son doesn't get into it. BTW, this is landrace Colombian Gold, and I have to say it's lived up to the sweet memories I have of the trippy, delicious smelling / tasting weed from back in the day. I even girdled a couple of my outdoor plants a few days before I chopped them and they came out nice and gold. Can't wait to do my Platinum OG and Yumboldt this spring! Update: I did roll another one; it's so much easier when you choose plants with big, fat buds rather than smaller ones. The shorter one is right at 2 oz. The wife came back and showed me where the Vac-n-Seal was so I got that done. Man this stuff smashes up really nicely when it's fresh and wet.


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Looks like some nice fat cigars.

how long did the Colombian take to finish?? All the normal hybrid bud is cool but landraces really interest me. I’ve yet to try any but got that laos and an indica from Afghanistan going. I have seeds for rasoli from India I think too.

lol I didn’t even bother shucking my bigger cob. Just trimmed it and rolled it up stem and all. We’ll see how big of a mistake it turns out to be.
I took clones from 9 photo plants on 16 July so it's been 5.5 months from clones. I really wanted to let them go another 2 weeks but life got in the way. I don't think leaving the stem in it will hurt anything except there is air inside the "hurds". You're not going to want to smoke the stem anyway so you'd be better off biting the bullet.
No it wasn’t mold, definitely looked like it though.

One guy put his under a microscope and you can see the crystals, it’s pretty cool.
I've got 5 ozs that will be finished fermenting late this evening (a full 7 days). That's a pretty healthy wager this stuff is good.
lol yeah that’s a bunch of cob.

I opened the big one and cut a piece off a couple days ago. Broke it up into little bits so it would dry. I’ve been smoking it and it’s pretty good, definitely different.

It’s pretty smooth, tastes weird but not bad. The bits expand some when they light and then burn down like hash or incense.

it’s a super creeper high too. The first time I thought something had happened and it was really weak, but then like ten minutes later I was pretty high.

It really reminds me of when a psychedelic is just starting to come on. The part of the high that makes you lazy or foggy thinking is almost completely removed.

I did lose my little one to mold. I got lazy and didn’t want to re vacuum seal it each time so I just rolled the bag up and left it on a counter. Sat for like a week and when I remembered it there was hair growing all over it.

I’m just glad it was the little one and learned my lesson.
After 7 days of fermenting at 81 degrees F, I opened them up this evening. I couldn't help but think of Cheech and Chong's "Smoking dog shit" clip.
Now they'll be drying out and curing for the next three months, unsealing every week to dry out a bit. This may seem a little complicated but it's really not; it's not nearly as complicated as feeding your plants if you use Advanced Nutrients products. :)


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Do you notice that much difference with the three month cure??

I remember the original thread said to try some every week or so and when you like it dry it out to lock it in.

I’m only halfway to three months but I can’t imagine it changing that much.
Smoke Report: Some little bits fell off of one as I was removing the corn shucks so I put that in a little stash jar for testing. As has been said, the smoke is crazy smooth, almost like smoking air. The taste is pretty bland, with a slight burnt cardboard finish. The high comes on quickly, just like smoking flower. It lasts about 90 minutes or so. Contrary to previous reports, in my personal experience it wasn't completely free of brain fog or memory issues. The high was very much of a feeling of well-being, just a really nice "stoned" (insert Eagles "Peaceful Easy Feeling" song here) feel, and the sense that everything is right in the universe, which is a great diversion from the covid insanity. Another thing I noticed is how long the stuff burns; I pinched off a tiny bit and got 6 big tokes off it and I'm not sure it was done even then. It burned to a dove gray ash and didn't gum up the one-hitter like my regular bud, although I don't use the one-hitter for regular bud. On the exhale, the "smoke" disappears in less than an arm's length and I even did a hit in the bathroom and you couldn't even tell it. It also doesn't stink up your breath like regular bud. I told my wife that it's so smooth that even she could smoke it (she's never smoked weed or anything else because she has asthma). I sealed the "sticks" back up and am starting the curing process. I'm looking at these things wondering if I can smoke one of them in three months. I'm very, very impressed with this process; I think this is how I'm going to do all my grows from now on.
There was a big difference with mine between smoking it a few days after fermenting and then again after five weeks of curing. Even the smell of the cob changed a ton. Went from the pickles and incense to cinnamon.

it does burn a long time I’m sure from being compressed. A piece the size of a bb is perfect for a snapper in the bong.

mine leaves a bright white ash now too.

I’ve got a strawberry pie almost done so I’m excited to cob some.

Alright it’s been about two weeks so time for another round.

the smell is less like gingerbread now and more of a deeper hash/spicy scent. Consistency is pretty close to hash also.


Shredded some up to dry, gonna let the cob sit for an hour or two before packing it back up