Cocain - Bit of concern..


Well-Known Member
You just need to follow my posts in the halucigenic section to know I'm not against drugs... but shit man, stay away from the coke... I also just wanted to try it once... lost a few years of my life in the process...


Well-Known Member
I can't believe you people are condoning this behavior. Why would you ever want to try coke? What good could possibly come from it. Cocaine as far as I am aware has absolutely 0 medical benefit and will most likely get you hooked. I hope you change your mind man.

Actually im pretty sure in canada Cocaine is used for medical use at hospitals bcuz my freinds younger sister had it used on her gums for some sort of operation to numb her gums or somethin i dunno..anyone else seen it used for medical purposes?


Well-Known Member
I would suggest not doing coke.I used to do it and the shit is evil.I haven't done it in years,but my suggestion would be to not waste your body or money.Spend the extra cash on some new growing equipment.


Well-Known Member
Okay, well I bought a flap and I know for a fact that it wasn't cut with baking powder or shit, again, it's a good buddy who sells me all my stuff.
I felt like I was on top of the world haha, it was great, the come down wasn't as bad as I expected though, although a lot worse than ecstasy.
I'm sure I wont be doing it again, I got it for $15 for the flap because he was my buddy + because it was the first time I've done it.
I'm not going to be buying $25 for a high that is that short.
Thanks for all of your input guys and gals :).


Active Member
It costs too much, it doesn't last long at all and can turn a nice person into a fiending selfish asshole. NOT WORTH IT!!