cocaine - stimulant or narcotic


Active Member
What do you consider it?
in medical science, a narcotic has to be an opiate or opiod. i consider it a stimulant.

The term narcotic (pronounced /nɑrˈkɒtɨk/) strictly refers (medically) to any psychoactive compound with morphine-like effects (see Opiate). A Narcotic is defined as a drug such as opium or morphine that in moderate doses relieves pain and induces deep sleep. Excessive use can cause tremors and seizures. However, the term is also used colloquially to refer to any psychoactive drug that induces sleep. Examples of narcotics include morphine, laudanum, and heroin.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It is not from the poppy plant nor any of its derivatives, hence, it is not a narcotic.


Active Member
if u snort cane u a stupid muthafucka...
to each his own, ive snorted a few lines in my day and ive seen ppl shoot/smoke it. there are far worse substances out there. i havnt touched it in years and dont have an urge to, but if i got the opportunity again i probably would. and i prob wouldnt touch it for years again...

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
i guess if u do it in moderation is koo... i haver done the stuff in my life... other than a few primos back in the day.. but other than that...never.. i live in watts.. so i see all these muthafuckas that are hooked on that shit.. whether they sniff it or smoke it or even shoot it... made me not ever wanna do that shit


Active Member
i guess if u do it in moderation is koo... i haver done the stuff in my life... other than a few primos back in the day.. but other than that...never.. i live in watts.. so i see all these muthafuckas that are hooked on that shit.. whether they sniff it or smoke it or even shoot it... made me not ever wanna do that shit

yep, ive seen it destroy lives... i was going to try meth once but when the dealer that came to my friends house was about 30 and had no teeth...i was 18-19 and decided then and there i would never touch that shit. i think the last time i did coke was 4 yrs ago and then 3 years before that and maybe another 3 years prior was my first...too much of anything is bad for you, yes even pot. if you can od on water, too much of ANYTHING is bad for you

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
hahaha @ no teeth...funny that i have been smoking cannabis for 13 years.. & still have all my teeth.. funny what that other stuff can do to your dental dentures


Active Member
i used to do coke almost every day for about 2 years. it seemed like months after getting into it, i would feel kinda sick when it wore off. sings of withdrawl im sure. then one day i was with some friends and did some and for some reason it made me feel real irritated after doing it. before i even started coming down. like i was shorter fused and impatient and just felt pissed off/annoyed at anything anyone said. i knew the feeling would pass and i didnt let it show. i dont know why exactly i felt that way, but i felt very turned off after that. then out of the blue i said to my friends who never used coke but are cool with it, im quitting this. its way too expensive, makes me feel like shit more than it makes me feel good. im not doing it anymore. i never have since and that was like 7 years ago. there was 1 time about 5 years ago a friend offered me a free line but i declined. i did do a gummer just for old times, i would even do a gummer again if offered. i've never felt anything from a gummer though probably cause its always such a small amount. but the numbing feeling is kinda cool. maybe i'd snort again someday if offered and in the mood. but i'll never buy it again or get into it like before. i have no sympathy for ppl who get hooked on this. it is very addicting but its also very obvious how bad it is for you.