cocaine - stimulant or narcotic


Active Member
in the northeast (boston) thats what it tastes/smells like to me...idk if over the last 9 years ive gotten my few lines from the same source or not but it reminds me of pvc cleaner then numbness of my face and other norm coke exp...ive never had bad coke


Well-Known Member
Cocaine used to be used in pharmaceutical practice back in the late 1800's or early 1900's in the US as an anesthesia... but then again coke was used for alotta of medical remedies then, whether it qualify under the same categories still I couldn't tell yeah.


Well-Known Member
in medical science, a narcotic has to be an opiate or opiod. i consider it a stimulant.

The term narcotic (pronounced /nɑrˈkɒtɨk/) strictly refers (medically) to any psychoactive compound with morphine-like effects (see Opiate). A Narcotic is defined as a drug such as opium or morphine that in moderate doses relieves pain and induces deep sleep. Excessive use can cause tremors and seizures. However, the term is also used colloquially to refer to any psychoactive drug that induces sleep. Examples of narcotics include morphine, laudanum, and heroin.
If you want to take it to the most literal meaning. Then yes a narcotic refers to a opiate. But the term nowadays stretches really far to all drugs of habitually abuse. So your little wikipedia finding doesn't connote the readily applied meaning of narcotic, but a plain define application of the word narcotic.


Well-Known Member
buy cocaine and you pay to be a part of the problem.
smoke domestic marijuana and you become part of the solution.
whether it's a narcotic or a stimulant, cocaine is shit.


Screw that street shit cut with whoknowswhat, just go to your kindly Dr. So-and-so and get a prescription for some nice clean [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Methyl benzoylecgonine, which is a schedule II, which means it has medicinal value, which means any Dr with a DEA license can prescribe it, which means it's safe, because the United States governement, DEA and FDA were all created to protect us from harmful things. That's why marijuana is illegal, because it's SO DANGEROUS!!! I've never smoked marijuana, but I've heard even LOOKING at it gets you addicted. NO THANK YOU!!!

..and it is a stimulant and topical anesthetic. Was later replaced by novocaine and benzocaine


Well-Known Member
Screw that street shit cut with whoknowswhat, just go to your kindly Dr. So-and-so and get a prescription for some nice clean [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Methyl benzoylecgonine, which is a schedule II, which means it has medicinal value, which means any Dr with a DEA license can prescribe it, which means it's safe, because the United States governement, DEA and FDA were all created to protect us from harmful things. That's why marijuana is illegal, because it's SO DANGEROUS!!! I've never smoked marijuana, but I've heard even LOOKING at it gets you addicted. NO THANK YOU!!!

..and it is a stimulant and topical anesthetic. Was later replaced by novocaine and benzocaine
Congrats to this man... he has won the sovereign "Shout Out Sarcasms Award!" Kudos, I'll walk into my local HMO and ask for some Methyl Benzo... because the FDA approves it and its SAFE ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
ndangerspecimen101, funny thing is he managed to go on a rant and misspell the chemical name.. benzoylmethylecgonine.