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Well-Known Member
You're a lying little douchebag and you should quietly bow your head, tuck in your tail and get the eff out of this forum. Me me moo moo DEA, bla bla 4 grams only, my name is doucheface and i'm an attention-seeking fucknut who brain is completely chewed from the temporal lobe-out.

hahaha i think someone ran out of weed.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I had a good, close friend die last summer from shooting coke. Not worth it man. That shit is garbage. I have access to ounces of the best coke ever, and i wont touch the shit. Have not done it in 7 years or so. Waste of money and waste of time in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I have two types... I rotate so that I am not truely addicted to one at any time.. hahaha... I get so stuffy without it.. I guess I will have to take the withdrawls soon, I need to cut the habit..


Well-Known Member
I had a good, close friend die last summer from shooting coke. Not worth it man. That shit is garbage. I have access to ounces of the best coke ever, and i wont touch the shit. Have not done it in 7 years or so. Waste of money and waste of time in my opinion.

Agreed, coke is by far one of the most wastefull drugs. The high is not that great, it is only great the first time, and doesn't last at all, so you have to keep doing it... Kinda like peanuts at the bar... they are there so you Drink more!

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I am always stuffy. My nose is so fucked up from years of sniffing coke and dope and doing that neosynephrine. My doctor says I have a deviated septum but that it would not be worth getting the operation because it does not help that much and it is very painful.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
And the money! I used to get 8s of coke for 100 bucks and do that easily in a night. Sometimes more. what a waste. Herb saves

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
One of my friends sells coke. So, its always in my face, and honestly I dont even like it near me now. My other friends, who are also friends with this kid, and we all grow, all want this kid to chill with the cheese... it sketches us all out now.. we are all worried this fool will blow up the spot with all this powder

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Just not cool, its bad vibes.... and Im from the school of thought all drugs should be legal also. Id do a little dope again before I hit up the cheese., cocaine = choke brain - Peter Tosh


Well-Known Member
Dont go to the hood and start askin random people. Too easY to get robbed and shit is CUT i mean CUT.
Rich areas, hate to say it but the perfect place to find some good whitegirl is outpatient rehab centers in fairly rich areas.

You got to find someone your comfortable talkin to about it....and have them get it for you.

Someone had to put you on if your shooting it...wheres he at?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Jesus christ go to any bar and youll find some blow... if you cant even cop any probly shouldnt be doing it. My god, I was scoring cheese in bars when I was a teen. Its easy-peezy. Id say 9 outta 10 bars will have some reg who sells cheese


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ go to any bar and youll find some blow... if you cant even cop any probly shouldnt be doing it. My god, I was scoring cheese in bars when I was a teen. Its easy-peezy. Id say 9 outta 10 bars will have some reg who sells cheese
ill second that...

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
right? I hate these where or how do I score threads... wtf? its not that hard and if you cant figure it out you shouldnt even try


Active Member
Some of you are extremely judgmental, and downright ridiculous. I've been a member for less than a fucking week - way to make a guy feel welcome.... DRUGS are DRUGS.... Weed dealers know coke dealers.... Coke dealers know smack dealers... Smack dealers know pharm dealers.... That's just how it works guys. I see that my views and feelings on drugs is even more liberal than the potheads... I can't believe you guys are just gonna be dickheads saying I "invaded your forum," and "don't realize this isn't the place to discuss this." Well FUCK YOU.


You don't wanna read about it? Stay the fuck outta my thread then! You're the dumbass who clicked on the fuckin link anyways! And wasted your time typing up a response that isn't helpful whatsoever, so it's a waste of time! You really think I'm going to read those and think "hey they're right..... I'm never doing drugs again! I'm gonna go get a D.A.R.E. t-shirt RIGHT NOW!!!" Fuck THAT. It's MY body, it's MY choice! I personally like it, so I'm gonna do it, regardless! So if you're not going to type up advice about what this thread is even about, DON'T TYPE AT ALL!:cuss:

Some of you seem really cool. That's awesome, and it's how I thought it would be on here, but unfortunately, you are few and far between on this thread. Thanks for your help.

I'm not lying about jack shit. Why would I? What's my benefit of doing it?:roll:

I started it myself. I was visiting family in Philadelphia, and one of my bro's friends said he could hook me up while I was out there. My bro is diabetic, so I grabbed a couple of his needles and used those. He knew what was going on, so it's not like I snuck around stealing needles. He didn't mind....

I'm just looking to get a little more educated on how to get it, since honest to God, I lost my one and only source here. And it's NOT that fucking easy to just walk into a bar and look for coke... How the fuck do you do that? Just walk around and start asking people? Yeah, that'll last about 2 minutes before someone overhears you or finds out what you're doing and calls the cops... Then what? I know I'd get all the coke I could want in prison. However, I'd really hate to lose my job over something this pivotal.

Fuck, I won't even post here anymore if someone knows of a cocaine forum, or an "all drug" forum.


Well-Known Member
It's definately a bad fucking idea to go around asking people for cocaine in random places like bars. And cocaine is a felony, any way you look at it bro... it's not worth it.

Sorry you can't find any blow where you live. Do you speak Spanish? You can probably move to Columbia with a few thousand dollars and grow a coca farm in your back yard and hire some native columbians to stomp your coca leafs for 30 cents per hour. If cocaine is that important, it might be worth looking into it :)

Anytime you snort coke, there was a person somewhere down the drug chain who got their heads blown off so that particular batch of cocaine could get to the USA. I wish cocaine could be a domesticated product. Some have said that marijuana funds terrorism, but I disagree--COCAINE funds terrorism, and corruption, because it's so addictive. The way I see it, COLUMBIA has done to the USA what England did to China in the 1800's during the Opium Wars. They infiltrated our country with their addictive dope, and there are people out there who can't live without their cocaine, so these militants get an absolutely dependable, steady amount of money; billions of dollars to fund their war on columbian citizens.

end of rant! have you tried granddaddy purple? it's better than cocaine.
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