know what? You guys are a BUNCH of piece of shit hypocrites!!!!!!!!
You think WEED is the answer to all problems??? It most fucking certainly is not......
COCAINE is a SCHEDULE II drug.... MARY FUCKING JANE is a SCHEDULE I drug..... Get caught with MJ??? Worse than COKE!!!!
Don't call me a junkie.... Junk is heroin, ok? I don't use heroin. Heroin is SCHEDULE I drug, which puts it up there with MARY JANE. A drug, that as far as SCIENTISTS can tell, has NO PURPOSE other than to fuck you up. As far as anyone who has spent over $100,000 on education and time in an environment studying this shit is concerned, that stuff has no point even existing. You wanna call it all a conspiracy??? Where are your facts stated? How do you know 100% sure that hemp was really used for all it was back in the day, besides seeing it somewhere that starts with
http://....... Did George Washinton's diary clearly state that every day he went out and hacked his buds off to provide paper and clothes to the greater community???
Don't call me desperate, or an addict, ok? Because I've CLEARLY STATED that I have complete control over what I as an American Citizen consume. Which is roughly 1 gram of substance per year. As an American Citizen, I fall into the top 80% of the drug consumption of the world. Yes, 80% of the illicit drugs manufactured in the entire world are consumed in the good ol' United States of America. I'm looking for nothing more than a few like minded individuals for some advice on how to find a connection, since the one's I've came across have just pretty much fell into my lap. Now I actually have to put some effort into finding someone to hook me up. I thought maybe you guys could help. Apparently, I was WAY wrong!!
I don't give a fuck if some jackass got his head blown off for it. What, he doesn't have 2 feet to walk north? Sorry, I have no sympathy for any of those fuckers. If they wanna be happy in the town they were born and raised in, and take over the "family business," then that's the life (and risks!) they chose! Here's a little incite for you - there are homeless people all over the fuckin place up here where I live which is a mere 4 hour drive from the Canadian border. Do i feel bad for them?? NO! They choose to live in a cold climate! They want something more? WALK TO FLORIDA!!!!
What's the problem?! They don't have a job! They don't have anything keeping them here! They ain't got SHIT other than time! And the only method of transportation that is better than a 4 wheel drive is your own 2 feet! You can't climb a fucking mountain with a Chevy Silverado!! You want out of the cold? Start hoofin it buddy! Cuz there aint that much room at the shelter here! Supply and fucking demand. And they made their life choice to be a part of the supply.... And don't even think for one minute that those guys don't know what they're getting into. They know damn well what the risks are to that!!!
Cocaine is hardly different than marijuana. This website is mostly geared towards growers of weed. So, worst case scenario, if I get busted at ONE POINT with a gram of coke for my OWN USE, not distribution, I get what? 6 months of jail? Maybe a small fine? But, if I have just ONE marijuana plant, it's automatically assumed I'm a dealer, in posession of less than one ounce with intent to distrubute, and given a MINIMUM of 30 years in PRISON!!!!! No I don't live in Minnesota or Alaska. It's not decriminalized in the state I live in, so it's still considered a terrible thing to have here! So terrible, that it's worse than cocaine, which FY MOTHERFUCKING I, IS actually used BY DOCTORS and SURGEONS on a daily basis in all 50 states for opthamology, dentistry, and a handful of other practitioners as an anesthetic. And weed has what? Cancer patients? Glaucoma? In less than 10 states? Probably less than 5? Colorado and California are the only states I know off the top of my head. Guess what else the cancer patients get? OXYCONTIN... AKA Hillbilly heroin! They get Morphine, Methadone, and countless other opiates that are much worse than the 20 minute energy and euphoria boost you get from cocaine!!! Highly addictive opiate pain medication and sedatives.