coco and watering


Soo I'm getting mixed naswers
I'm currenlty growing in coco feeding with part a and b
I have been feeding every 2-3days as of when its nearly dry
But people are saying coco needs watering every day
So I'm confuesed?
Plants are 13 days old


What is your ratio of perilite and coco? That will determine how much to water also by the weight of the container. When it gets half as heavy as when you water good ahead and give it another feed. I've learned never let coco go dry or you'll have big salt problems. Good luck!


I don't ust says on the baxck 45% wood pul cellulose 50% washed and buffered coir
Guyess eed daily then. Should I feed until I get draianage out the holes even at this age


I wouldn't except maybe once or twice of the week. Think of it is as a gentle rain, keep them searching for water. so water just till runoff in the beginning then once they are bigger start running till 20% to avoid any salt build up in the coco.


I wouldn't except maybe once or twice of the week. Think of it is as a gentle rain, keep them searching for water. so water just till runoff in the beginning then once they are bigger start running till 20% to avoid any salt build up in the coco.
Okay thanks chenwrck :d
So ill water just as they need it until I get a little run
When you say 20%, does that mean like if ed them 1litre. 200ml will run out the bittom ? As in 20%?


Precisely, just start eyeballing it and you'll get the hang soon. I can usually stop when I see the first bit of runoff after a good drench.

Good luck with your grow, also in the future if you can add pics it'll greatly help people determine your problem.


cheers guys! I've just put a pic of one of my plants in indoor growing if you would like to take a look at my plant see what u think