Coco nutes and rockwool

Green Troll

Active Member
Hey guys,

Just want to clarify something, so please feel free to concur or correct.

I am changing over to rockwool slab growing from coco where i used Canna Coco A+B, and in my mind, hydro is hydro, both sterile mediums, so the nutes shouldn't have to change, right? Or am i wrong? Or maybe there is a particular brand that works really well with rockwool? Your feedback please, fine people.



Well-Known Member
i dont use coco nutes, use coco though, tryed rockwool cubes for cloning. Also using canna aqua in hydro and coco(with extras).anyway,,

well, i think that your main issue would be the amount of Ca and Mg (too much? guess would depend on tap water or that) and possible lack of K(i think) using the coco nutes in rockwool.
i get what you are saying about nutes being nutes though. i know canna would want you to buy more nutes, haha,

Guess the rockwool slabs could maybe be an issue with with ph wanting to drift up, but long as your vigilant dont see why not.

So yeah, sorry im not much help. Maybe if nothing the bump will help.

take it easy.

Green Troll

Active Member
I have people shouting at me "WHY DON'T YOU USE CALMAG?!?!?" as i use RO water. So i don't think that will be an issue. I bought some because so many people were telling me i need it lol but i won't use it unless my girls show a deficiency. I will flush my slabs completely before using, so hopefully that will combat the PH issue, but if anything, my solution has always been a bitch to raise. Once i add those nutes, bam, acid. Because there is no buffer in the RO water, it just takes the PH level of the nutes, which is about 4.2. Adding PH Up is not nearly as effective as i thought it would be, and i add a large dose to it to get it up to 5.8. I shall have to wait until my new system is hooked up and test the run off first, see how it copes.

Looking at the details of Canna Aqua, this looks like the stuff i need, so thank you! I shall confirm this with my local hydro guy, but i am very happy with Canna products so far, so i am happy it will be the same brand. +rep for you, my friend.


Well-Known Member
Yeah well as you said, if you always have a low ph and have to use a ton of pH up then rockwool would probably suit your needs. Would be good to see how you get on.
And i really like the aqua, its just really nice. Works great in recirculating system, or mine anyway, and didnt block drip line or anything. And works great in coco, well ffor me it has. Also the ph buffer is a plus.
Take it easy and best of luck.

Green Troll

Active Member
only difference I think is that some coco nutes have extra Ca / Ma in them because coco is known to absorb Ca/Ma and not release it. So just be sure you are using the correct hydro nute
this is possibly why i do not suffer from a deficiency with my current grow using RO water. Thanks for the heads up on this, i shall keep a very close eye on my plants once they are in rockwool. +rep
This is a really old thread but I have the same question and wondering if anyone here had luck?

I have 4" rockwool and coco floraflex pots on the same table, and thinking of running Advanced coco nutes for the whole table. Wondering if the Rockwool will have any issue (or at least get dyed darker?). Presently running core advanced nutes

Any help is appreciated!