Coco ph

I aim for a pH of 6 with my coco and always have.
I don't bother checking the run off as said above its irelevant I did use to that's what enthusiasm does, I used to notice a huge spike in the pH run off around week 6 iirc of flowering.

Are you sure your pH meter is calibrated properly?
That's why I prefer the drops......they're never wrong.
You know I got through 3 maybe 4 meters before realising the drops were the best, i now know my pH is fine out of the tap + ionic gives a stable 6 so I rarely even use the drops now.
I couldn’t be without my cf truncheon though, I'd be lost without it, the label ml per litre are mile of with ionic, cana and bio nova, possibly something to do with our water?
We don't have any background cf/ec or less than my meter can detect.

Cheers SD
I think it’s the coco I’m using it’s got some ph buffering stuff in it cause I had some old coco I ripped a chunk off soaked it in a cup ran straight ro water through it and tested run off and it was exactly was was going in was coming out
There's a plant in the equation absorbing carbon dioxide which affects pH directly, among God knows how many other chemical effects that the plant is having?
Forget ph run off as said above your chasing your tail it doesn't tell you anything!!!