Well-Known Member
My plants have been fed daily after like the first 7 days from sprout. Coco was soaked when the seeds were planted and never had an issue. Aerated nutrient solution introduces fresh oxygen every feed.
yeah I’d of probably got away with it if I was using an air stone. You know I hadn’t even thought about using one since hand watering. I just used to think of the air stone more for moving nutes about so they don’t end up sitting at the top of the water lol . Might have to find where I put the dam thing and start using it. Or just order one cheap enough I suppose.
I don’t want to jinx it just yet but the one I watered quite a lot sooner than I usually would. Well noticed even more new fresh white roots poking through. Not going to check things until potting up, but fingers crossed man. Would be a good start to the new year for sure.