Codye190's 2012 Outdoor Grow


Active Member
These are my 2 bagseed plants. The small one was topped a few weeks ago, and the big one was trasplanted from the ground when i needed to move it (no visable root damage) Ok so basically ive just been watering with hose/rain but on next watering i plan on adding a good hefty dose of fox farms grow big, and pH'd water.

Planning on trying to flower pretty soon by putting a large trash can over it with vent holes for 12 hours from probably 9pm to 9am or 10pm to 10 am.Anyone have critques to this strategy? Or does anyone have any better ideas?

I figured by the time the plants outgrew the trash cans the plants would be able to naturally flower outside.

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sorry for bad pic my camera is broken, i took this with my phone.


Well-Known Member
Why wwould you want to flower them that small outdoors? Let them veg until days get shorter and they flower naturally. You'll get a lot more yield


Active Member
Stealth isnt a huge deal but i cant have huge bushes, still gonna let em get bigger but the bigger one is getting pretty close


Active Member
thinking about building some kind of ghetto fence to surround plants so pesky neighbors dont see em.