Pyrethrum made of Chrysanthemum Flowers. It kills on contact from the larvae to adults.
Pyrethrum by itself could get the job done, but most likely a few pests would get away and burrow into the soil to reproduce and start your problem all over. It only takes one female Thrips to survive and she can reproduce on her own w/o a male, aint that some shit! What an evil bitch. With thrips, gnats, and aphids the soil or medium needs to be treated also, Pyrethrum in large amounts will kill plants, so it is best to only use it where neccesary and apply lightly. On smaller plants a rinse may be needed the folowing day if the leaves are getting wrinkled badly.
Mosquito Dunks (aka Bacillus Thuringiensis). Dunks are intended for killing mosquito larvae before it matures. The larvae think the Bacillus Thuringiensis is food, but once they digest it it kills them. Not only does this work on Mosquito larvae, but Thrips larvae, Aphids, Gnats, and much more!!!
Mosquito dunks can be used every watering, and are completely safe for plants so going overboard on dosage is not a big deal at all.
this was written by a member named CustomHydro, and copied and pasted.
Here is his thread:
Guaranteed Cure for Thrips + other pests! All Natural! - Marijuana Growing