Coffee grinds

north strong & free

Active Member
Been doing some reading and since cannabis likes soil slightly acidic, i'm going to save my coffee grinds every day and start blending them in with the soil! This should help with keeping the ph where i want it! What do you guys think?


Active Member
better off just adding them to your compost they are concidered a green despite their color due to its high nitrogen content , not sure how fast the nutes would be avail. in soil if simply added , may be a good slow release or burn the first day , bottom line grow in soil and make soil by composting and breaking down your kitchen scraps into some sweet organic goodness


Well-Known Member
Yes you need to compost it first, nutrients are locked into things until it is composted, bacteria take time to do this in nature.


Active Member
I really dont know hydro im a soil guy , but if you get your blender and you find a mesh like basket like for tea , actually (exactly somthing like for tea) fill the blender with rain water get turn it on to oxigenate sp? the water and set your basket in top make sure nothing gets in the balades and give it a spin for a while make a tea from the compost , or just google compost tea to find a bettter way and avoid my crack head meathod but nodrama is rite you must let nature break it down first ,

you can make container composters that can do this in as little as 3 months , check out hippie green diy off the grid type sites