Cogo's Original Cannabis Formula

So basically what your saying, is he was eating cheese way back when, even long before they had their case built against Neville. Is a cooperating witness that was in the same game as the defendant and a rat not the same thing?
Maybe your saying because they already had Neville in their crosshairs that it was somehow ok for the rat to go ahead and snitch on him too. That maybe because he was going down anyway that is somehow not snitching. That’s some far out logic and if you want to defend the guy or patronize his nutrient company by all means have at it. But at the end of the day a rat is still a rat!
Nevil never did a day in jail for seeds or was he even extradited. Nevil was being held for extradition however serving time for a prior offense of skipping bail in 1976 for selling dope to a minor. In theinternational law book explaining his extradition charges it says that he was being held under special circumstances which turns out was his prior bail skipping charge in 1976..., ordering seed on line is a federal offense talking about it on line to strangers is even more stupid seems now the government only has to create and monitor websites and computer transactions lol
thats not at all what i said or what i was even suggesting. i suggest you-read...damn i even posted pictures. lol
As far as the link that you shared or pictures you shared I admit I didn’t even try to load them I made the assumption that it was the same ol’ photos that were in the seed catalog’s from back in the day and I don’t always have the time to load( internet service phone signal is weak at its best here)and look at every link I come across. What you did say was people like the throw the snitch or rat word around a lot. And it sure sounds like you are saying that cogo the “rat” snitching didn’t really have a bearing on the case. Anyone with any morals or scruples at all would see this guy as a rat, if he did indeed snitch or provide evidence or testimony, circumstantial or not against his supposed friend or partner in crime, whether there were consequences or not. Maybe you weren’t defending the guy and just get offended at the use of words like snitch or rat. I reckon I could see if someone or somebody they cared about was ever falsely accused of being a rat or maybe did a little ratting here or there get by, that they could be offended by the use of those words I guess. Other than that I just don’t see why someone would be bothered by, someone using certain words to describe someone if the said words fit so well.
As far as the link that you shared or pictures you shared I admit I didn’t even try to load them I made the assumption that it was the same ol’ photos that were in the seed catalog’s from back in the day and I don’t always have the time to load( internet service phone signal is weak at its best here)and look at every link I come across. What you did say was people like the throw the snitch or rat word around a lot. And it sure sounds like you are saying that cogo the “rat” snitching didn’t really have a bearing on the case. Anyone with any morals or scruples at all would see this guy as a rat, if he did indeed snitch or provide evidence or testimony, circumstantial or not against his supposed friend or partner in crime, whether there were consequences or not. Maybe you weren’t defending the guy and just get offended at the use of words like snitch or rat. I reckon I could see if someone or somebody they cared about was ever falsely accused of being a rat or maybe did a little ratting here or there get by, that they could be offended by the use of those words I guess. Other than that I just don’t see why someone would be bothered by, someone using certain words to describe someone if the said words fit so well.
im offended by the fact that you cant comprehend whats being written. And that you cannot have a conversation about a case you have no knowledge of what so ever or the history of it. We have the whole case not just a affidavit from cogo. You spent zero time in pursuit of the truth and make a lot of assumptions based on what was available from sources such as Todd McCormick a non profit stool pigeon that only support FDA approved pharma cannabis...and builds his reputation as a cancer survivor that never had cancer in the first place. He was also growing 6000 plant, plea bargain for a 5 (only does 3.9) year) sentence out of mandatory 10 after turning in 2other houses. And ed rosenthal growing 8300 plants and doing 1 day in jail and 3 year probation. We will soon expose the fake "legalization" movement for what it is, a government corporate attempt to modify law enforcement globally and manage black market cannabis. as both Steve Hagar form high times Todd McCormick and Adam Dunn publicly stated "we are trying to eliminate the criminal element" In fact these websites such as roll it up are in fact sites monitoring growers and those that buy seeds. These are all facts from those of us that actually know about the cases we talk about and the subterfuge used by non profits and corporate influence in the market
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Made by someone who gave the authorities a huge list of names they were sending seeds to in the 80's an got them busted. Also blamed all his seed sending onto the breeder nevil and was a witness in the case that at one time made nevil one of the most wanted men in the world by the dea.
I checked out the website for this stuff out of curiosity, and I have no idea who would buy this stuff. $125 for 25 lbs of fertilizer without enough cal/mag. You can get 25lbs each of jack's a/b or Megacrop a/b for this price or less on sale.
Made by someone who gave the authorities a huge list of names they were sending seeds to in the 80's an got them busted. Also blamed all his seed sending onto the breeder nevil and was a witness in the case that at one time made nevil one of the most wanted men in the world by the dea.
well that is the narrative put out by those that want to mislead the market... in fact in the international law book cogo turned in 8 pages with 29 names per page that was never used...the government had all the names in fact the grand jury got the indictment based on what Steve Hagar Bram Frank peter gorman and ed rosenthal said when they were subpoenaed cogo was never supenaed...nevil was never wanted by fbi or anyone else...nevil helped to identify the market of usefull idiots by selling seed in high times and home growers ordering equipment...get your facts right do a little research.
1638124966761.pngcogo just posted this in response to the false rumors;

i decided that i am going to answer the public accusations made by Steve Hagar of high times and Todd McCormick and Mel Frank of AG seeds concerning stolen fertilizer formulations from Nevil Schoenmakers and the seed bank.
This is what I’m not getting, why would Neville put on the label of his own product that he ‘endorsed’ or ‘used’ a product that he ‘owned’?
That makes no sense…people don’t generally advertise that they endorse their own product, do they!?!?
Here’s what gives…I found some old Formula 1 product labels from back then, that shows Neville “endorsed” and “used” Rockwool Formula 1…not that he “owned” it…so, seeing that the product labels provide proof that he endorsed/used this product, why is anyone saying that it was stolen from him?
Its actual nevils nutrients formula as well.

cogo posted this in response to the rumors and the ass kissers that follow them

i decided that i am going to answer the public accusations made by Steve Hagar of high times and Todd McCormick and Mel Frank of AG seeds concerning stolen fertilizer formulations from Nevil Schoenmakers and the seed bank.

cogo just posted this in response to the rumors and the ass kissers that follow them.

This is what I’m not getting, why would Neville put on the label of his own product that he ‘endorsed’ or ‘used’ a product that he ‘owned’?
That makes no sense…people don’t generally advertise that they endorse their own product, do they!?!?
Here’s what gives…I found some old Formula 1 product labels from back then, that shows Neville “endorsed” and “used” Rockwool Formula 1…not that he “owned” it…so, seeing that the product labels provide proof that he endorsed/used this product, why is anyone saying that it was stolen from him?
1638125573182.pngExtradition is complicated and requires data collected from more than just one source.
In the case of Nevil Martin Schoenmakers...
Australia is allied with the USA and would have sped up extradition, not give Nevil Marten Schoenmakers bail 2 days before his hearing, which is highly suspicious.
Especially when the reason he received bail was because his wife wasn't getting attention...which is what high times want you to believe.
Except for Michael Flynn cases are not dismissed except on request or agreement with prosecution. so DEA NSA CIA or IRS got something from him.
Peter Michael Thomson Stone, Pigman, Walther, Wittmann, LLC (New Orleans)909 Poydras Street Suite 3150New Orleans, LA 70112−4042504−593−0811Email: [email protected]
my group would like to share more information so that you do not get misled by non profit/ government activist and provocatures its always been about the money.
HIGH TIMES was a magazine steeped in counter culture ideology and home grow rhetoric . That was the hook.
Its owned partially by the Marley Brothers.
The Marley Brother recently stated on the BBC that they are only for medical pharmaceutical cannabis.
Richard Cowan NORML September 7, 2020
Let me make it clear that I do not have any problems with the “pharmaceuticalization” of cannabis.
I have long had serious concerns about GW Pharmaceuticals, not because they are trying to “pharmaceuticalize” cannabis (Hooray for that, if they can), but rather because they seem to have had marijuana prohibition built into their business model.
They even employed a former staffer from the Drug Czar’s office to lobby against state medical marijuana laws.
Ed Rosenthal the so called "ganja guru" He makes a point of home grow. However ***** "He worked with the state and local governments to implement the delivery of
"pharmaceutical-grade cannabis to patients with a doctor's recommendation to use marijuana."
During the Ronald Reagan presidency he served as an adviser for the federal government's pot farm, part of the Marijuana Research Project at the University of Mississippi
Steve Hager, HT's Editor-in-Chief
“The whole reason we told people to grow their own pot was to get rid of the criminal element … '
Todd McCormick:
"I'm trying to remove the criminal element,"
Adam Dunn:
“Home growers are cutting into [corporate] profits, and that's bullshit right there because the most important part is that people have access to medicine,” Dunn said. “Clearly, you know, they're going to completely fuck themselves over by the thinking that they're going to be doing something.
Nevil Schoenmakers:
I would advocate
production by licensed growers who in effect can only grow for… “a state sponsored
governing body, which in turn deals with the distribution of the product.”
This will have the effect of breaking the link between the grower and that patient, thereby

› submissions
Nadelmann -a drug-policy-reform advocate funded by George Soros and several other billionaires- offered to hire a commercial signature gatherer on the condition that Dennis be replaced as campaign manager by a “professional” from Santa Monica.
The initiative was already ahead in the polls and the professional’s only discernible effect.
Many activists shook their heads disapprovingly when Dennis generalized,
“All marijuana use is medical.”
Keith Stroup of NORML: "Ideally, I think marijuana should be sold by the Government, or by nonprofit corporations, with the profits going to drug research or heroin rehabilitation programs.” The pot lobby - The New York Times.html
The nonprofit norml and the drug policy institute etc. along with high times got everyone to grow indoors which is way more efficient way to regulate and control production... than having helicopters flying around, see?
High times got everyone to order seeds and equipment the whole idea of President Bush Administration was to identify the users and producers “the demand” in the black market. And for big company s to exploit... "monopolize"...
it’s not the end of prohibition it’s a more specialized efficient and productive prohibition.
It’s becoming quite apparent that nonprofits are used by government and corporations to be the political middleman in a economic process. Nonprofits lead people away from discovering while hiding economic transformation of the is a clever manipulation of and subversion of our political process for economic gains... no different from the cannabis industry.
It looks like dope but its really hope” explains David Watson.
Nevil schoenmakers: “What he means is that many of these plants have been specifically bred not to produce an intoxicating resin or hashish.
Indeed, Hortipharm hopes to thwart the aims of the average recreational user”
The team is already close to finding their own commercial holy grail-seeds that will produce a one off, female, seedless crop of plants with no psychotropic effect for the consumer.
Why you might ask would they want to do that?
Hortipharm is only interested in developing female only plants that are sterile, but this is not to protect their genetic copyright.
“If a plant is not busy producing seeds, all its energy can go into resin production” says Watson Dutch colleague and biochemist Etienne Meyers.
Watson believes in the bright future of (cannabis) is contained in the greenhouses of Hortipharm and GW Pharmaceuticals.
Nevil Schoenmakers: "The object is to patent up every possible combination of cannabinoids with efficacy for every possible disease they can treat, and every possible genetic sequence! Once ready to make the move. They will shut down every medical cannabis grower for patent fraud."
Here is Hortipharm are collecting and sending
Keith Stroup of NORML: "Ideally, I think marijuana should be sold by the Government, or by nonprofit corporations, with the profits going to drug research or heroin rehabilitation programs.” The pot lobby - The New York Times.html
people would have to be mentally challenged to not see how fucked they are
I checked out the website for this stuff out of curiosity, and I have no idea who would buy this stuff. $125 for 25 lbs of fertilizer without enough cal/mag. You can get 25lbs each of jack's a/b or Megacrop a/b for this price or less on sale.
cogos response to high priced nutrients my water soluble depending if it is one part ot 2 is $55.00-$70.00 per 25 pound bags...$125 is for first time retail after that the price comes down to 55-70 per bag...cogo is the real deal the first with pharmaceutical quality nutrients and the first with formulations especially for herb and flower circa 1987
damn i even posted pictures for you...should i draw a picture with crayons next time
You posted four pictures that I would assume were readily available on the internet and prove nothing as far as I can tell.

It's a free country believe what you want. I choose to believe that you are a shill. I choose to believe TM and MF and others when they say Cogo was a snitch.

I wasn't there. I can't say anything with any sort of certainty.

If you were there maybe tell us who you are and start backing up your accusations as Todd and others have. Otherwise you're just blowing smoke IMO.
we are a small group that collects data...all of it...not just the stuff you want to hear and then disregard the rest because it makes you feel uncomfortable. they are not accusations they are collected facts.
well that is the narrative put out by those that want to mislead the market... in fact in the international law book cogo turned in 8 pages with 29 names per page that was never used...the government had all the names in fact the grand jury got the indictment based on what Steve Hagar Bram Frank peter gorman and ed rosenthal said when they were subpoenaed cogo was never supenaed...nevil was never wanted by fbi or anyone else...nevil helped to identify the market of usefull idiots by selling seed in high times and home growers ordering equipment...get your facts right do a little research.

But this is were you an I differ. Do you know what happened when I got raided at a grow with my friend who was out on a life license. Well I said my friend didn't know about it an it was the first time I took him there. To leave him out of it. Otherwise he could have been put back into jail for years even before any charges. The difference is you think its ok to drop someone else in it when you should just be responsible for yourself. Wasnt you supposed to destroy those records. Also to clarify, wasn't it actually you who was sending seeds on usa soil with your own hands. Then on top of that you also took money off nevil (thousands) making out that your were going to use it in a legal defense when infact you didn't need no legal defense cus you were dropping him in it. Then on top of that after thinking its ok to contribute into destroying nevils life you then think its ok to sell nutrients for cannabis to the very cannabis community whose names you so easily handed over before. Stop using an blaming every one else and using silly excuses. Be responsible for your own actions, you'll be respected more for it.