Coke Machine To Grow Box


Well lets do this.

My setup is a old 7up machine. The space is not great but it is enough for some fun.
The light is a 150 HPS but I have a 400 HPS cool tube ordered. I have a 4" carbon in line fan and a carbon filter. I am using a Sun Garden DWC hydroponic system. With a aquarium heater.

The strain is Green House Seeds Train Wreck. She is 3 weeks into flower. She is showing signs of female but she is just going slower then I would like. I think it is due to the colder weather. The water is at 72 deg. The grow area is about 65 to 70 deg (It will warm up with new light). My ph is 6.0 and the PPM is 1200.



Well-Known Member
thats fucking badass.. major props :clap:
keep us posted with updates.. anxious to see how this ones turns out


Well sorry guys I have nothing for you. My light has not been delivered, so I can not do anymore work on the box till I get the light and size everything up. My plant has been in 12/12 for 4 weeks and she has 3 or 4 preflowers. She is a slow one. I think it was due to the temp she was at. Right at the beginning I had to add a water heater to my dwc. The water is 68 to 70. The room was at 64 at night and 68 in the day. I added a heater and the room stays at 71 night and day. If any suggestions I would love them.


So long no post. I got her done! Ok lets not lie I am only 75% done. The other stuff I need to get done are cleaning, putting on mylar, mount the power strip, and set up a scrog, one that can move with the plant.
What I did was:

1. Got my new light 400 hps cool tube. It is not hooked up 100% but my temps are just perfect so I will address that when temps jump.
2. Had to move the carbon filter to the outside for space.
3. Added another 4' inline fan on the underside with a dimmer on the underside. I can go from 1 cfm all the way to 170 in a turn of a switch. I was going to cut a hole in the bottom and run the tubing through but that was 1/4" steel and i killed a $10 bit trying to drill through it. She is still pushing air through just not as pretty as I want.
4. I mounted the ballast on the back and plan to hove all other control's on the back.

So all went well but there is still more to do. The machine is a little loud but if you just put a random fan by it you can not hear anything more than that. I am looking for help trying to figure that part out.



Well its been awhile but not much going on. I have had a problem with the buds not fattening up. From what I have read it is about airflow. I thought I had enough. I have the 4"inline fan blowing in at the bottom and I have a 4" inline at the top sucking air out. I think it might be that I made it short and stumpy and the light can not get through. I am starting my flush. I am using flora kleen. I will use it for 2 days then just pure water for the last 3 to 4 days. and just to be safe one more day of flora kleen. 24 hours of not light then chop her down.

Yes she is turning amber thats why I am not waiting to much longer to chop her.



Well just ordered some bubble bags. I just did the 1 gallon kit. I just want to make sure it is for me before I get the good ones. I think I am going to just try the dry ice way. I have been flushing for 6 days now and I think I am going to keep the lights off tonight and chop her down Friday. I will try to get some pictures from this sorry plant.