Cola trimming/leaf trimming/lolli-popping questions

Okay, so I'm growing about 70 Grandaddy Purple clones right now. They just started flower 3 days ago. The plants are between 8" and 2 feet tall (they came at various ages when I got them so some are pretty far ahead of the others). In one tray I have the younger ones in an almost SOG grow (6" grodan cubes right up against each other), and in the larger tray I have the larger plants spaced out more (roughly 3-4" between cubes, but more or less depending of the size of the plants in the 'neighborhood')

On the advice of friends, I have been trimming large fan leaves and leaves of the plants that hit each other.

I have also been getting advice from my brother... who says I should 'lollipop' the plants (ie cut off all leaves on the bottom 60% or so of the plant). He also says I should be cutting off most of the colas that are developing off the side and try to encourage a single, or at most 2, colas per plant. He said I can wait on the lollipopping until the 2nd week of flower, but that I should get rid of these excess colas ASAP.

Basically... wanted to get some input from more experienced growers on what I should do. Many of these plants currently have 2-3 large colas, with a number of smaller ones shooting off of each. Trimming all these side colas off wouldn't just be a lot of work, but the plants have invested quite a bit in them at this point... shoudl i cut them off regardless?

Any advice you could give me on the art that is trimming, I'd greatly appreciate. I've attached pictures of two plants (two pics per plant) that represent my average plant if you feel the need to illustrate.



Well-Known Member
personally i trim about 35% of the bottom half off..i usually dont trim fan leaves that often..depends i like to just move them out of the way

ive seen people trim more of the bottom..when they plants are alot taller
is that pretty much the consensus? the one guy who replied to my thread on weedtracker said the same thing. if so, i'll just stick to trimming leaves and colas that are below the halfway point on the plant, and any that are obscured tot he point they don't get light.

what about leaves from plants touching each other? i had heard that it can kind of stunt growth if the plants are running into each other. then again, the above shows I guess I can't listen to everything I hear.

hope i didn't slow things down too much by over trimming..


Well-Known Member
From what I read and Experienced trimming too much can stunt growth or even stop it for a little bit. I usually only cut fan leaves if they are dying and I only trim off the really small bottom side branches but there are so many oppinions on this matter it is hard to weed out the good advice from the bad. My best advice is to do what works for you.