Colas so big breaking stems in 6th week Blue Dream


So last night I went in my grow room.
6 girls in 5 gallon pots of happy frog.
They are 5-6 feet tall.
Some colas are 8-10 inches long on top.
Two of them were so fat they bent over the stem and almost broke it.
I added some stakes and zip tied the stem best I could. Is there a hazard to just trimming the colas off and letting the rest of the plant finish?
I don't want to stress the plant but the pistils are still white and just a tiny bit brown so i know the THC is low so what's the best call here?
I have just done a flush and may do one 1/2 strength nute as I water every 5 days. Using mostly beastie blooms tiger bloom big bloom.
As far as my first grow goes very successful.
Funny thing is I have a 6 bulb T5 and a 90 watt UFO over one of the plants on the end, that is the plant with the big cola.


Well-Known Member
Dont cut early! Its never worth it in the end :) You did right using stakes and ties, just keep her going until the trichs are nice and cloudy/amber. If the top colas finish first, then you can cut those off and keep the plant going to finish the lower buds that may have been shielded by fan leaves. This will increase your final yield by A LOT.


Thanks for the tip. I need to squeeze another week or so because of flushing, I got about 20% orange pistils, I took a flower and let it dry two days going to do a t4est smoke today at super bowl.
I looked at trichs under a 60X they look about half clear half white so another week at least.


Well-Known Member
A week or two left if you still have half clear trichs... they change quickly though so keep watching them.


wow, smooth, tasty, not real stony, maybe pull the top colas off do a half nute on the bottom nuggets like to get a little more out of the girls.


Active Member
i signed in for some pics!!! fail!! lol

had some blue dream last round(nothing this round ;(


yeah that's a 10 inch ruler. for my first grow I think I get a B+.
Now I jsut need to find a collective to donate to.