Cold Showers


Well-Known Member
I try to stay out of the lounge, but Im a bit of a maniacal fitness enthusiast, and have been on the " As cold as can be" shower routine for a couple months now.

Im 32, and while Im extremely fit, and still surfing out in front of my house on massive swell events while 20 year old inlanders cant summon the balls to paddle out, I cant be allowing my T levels to taper off without a fight. If youre 50 and reading this, well youre already pretty much fkd as far as Testosterone production goes. If youre late 20's , 30's, or early 40's, however, you may want to consider blasting your rig with some ice cold excellence from here on out and totally ditching hot showers. For your manhood's sake.

There are many articles and much data on the topic at hand, the attached being just one of hundreds. The benefit claims, among many, are boosted Testosterone production, elevated WBC levels, just to name a few.

My main routine consists of swimming, running, surfing, yoga, and P90X, along with green smoothies, BPCoffee with Ghee, and strict Paleo eating. I personally cant do the gym scene, and the accompanying screaming cadre of meatheads and the pitri dish of MRSA and Ringworm.

Anyway, cold showers have been yet another tangible arrow in the quiver as far as abundant energy levels are concerned. Literally twice as fired up in the morning and throughout the day, and focus seems to have improved.

Try it. Or dont.

I try to stay out of the lounge, but Im a bit of a maniacal fitness enthusiast, and have been on the " As cold as can be" shower routine for a couple months now.

Im 32, and while Im extremely fit, and still surfing out in front of my house on massive swell events while 20 year old inlanders cant summon the balls to paddle out, I cant be allowing my T levels to taper off without a fight. If youre 50 and reading this, well youre already pretty much fkd as far as Testosterone production goes. If youre late 20's , 30's, or early 40's, however, you may want to consider blasting your rig with some ice cold excellence from here on out and totally ditching hot showers. For your manhood's sake.

There are many articles and much data on the topic at hand, the attached being just one of hundreds. The benefit claims, among many, are boosted Testosterone production, elevated WBC levels, just to name a few.

My main routine consists of swimming, running, surfing, yoga, and P90X, along with green smoothies, BPCoffee with Ghee, and strict Paleo eating. I personally cant do the gym scene, and the accompanying screaming cadre of meatheads and the pitri dish of MRSA and Ringworm.

Anyway, cold showers have been yet another tangible arrow in the quiver as far as abundant energy levels are concerned. Literally twice as fired up in the morning and throughout the day, and focus seems to have improved.

Try it. Or dont.


Well, I'm in my 50s and the weekly T injections seem to be doing fine. But I'm game for trying something new.
Well, I'm in my 50s and the weekly T injections seem to be doing fine. But I'm game for trying something new.
Yeah, note the key word there being "production." Still plenty of dudes killing it in their 50's. One menacing local surfer in my neighborhood comes to mind. Granted, hes prob shooting roids and HGH, but nevertheless.
Testosterone injections. By prescription. Given in the butt (yours :)) once per week. Like theexpress said above, they'll have you feeling like your 21 again.
Tell me more about these T injections. Is it a prescription or something anybody can get?
u have to have low t. they do bloodwork. if ur eligable u get prescriced testosterone u van either shoot it urself pay extea for doc to do it or it comes in a gel form were its absorbed into the skin....
u have to have low t. they do bloodwork. if ur eligable u get prescriced testosterone u van either shoot it urself pay extea for doc to do it or it comes in a gel form were its absorbed into the skin....
Ok I see thanks. I've not been diagnosed with low T but I'm 40's and I'm starting to feel old. Less sex drive, less energy just an overall "old man" feeling. I think l get my wife to do some blood work on me for that. She's a pediatrician but she can still make it happen even though I'm not a kid, lol.
Good sleep , heavy leg workouts, and HIIT are natural ways to raise T as well.

also DHEA is a pre cursor for T and other hormones, cycled 2~3 weeks on, 1~2 weeks off, best as a topical, and under testing to check levels and monitor them..

I do plyometrics, heavy weight, body weight, yoga, MMA, and traditional MA just about every single day, and eat extremely well.

I dedicate about an hour + a day usually in the morning to some diverse routines.
I do a lot of structural integrity exercises, stretching, I had to do some corrective exercises to repair an injury it worked out successful I learned a lot, plus I actively study exercise and physiology ongoing.

for years I trained in traditional MA , then went to MMA and more combat oriented styles like krav maga.

Right now though I like old school MA, forms, kick drills, all basics practiced nearly every day. I prefer to do most work outs in the sun and also preferably bare foot for grounding (-) <<< that is a powerful combo IME

For me traditional MA challenges posture and movement and balance and strength

I got a nice gym with mirrors and mats and everything else I want so I don't need a gym , I prefer private good positive environment preferably in sun/grounded for "D" uptake and fresh are as well as closing the ground (-) charge at feet..

Good topic I do cold showers but now I am gong to fuck with it more and see if i notice a difference in energy.
The symptoms of low Testosterone (T) are low energy, low libido, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, and loss of bone density. Among others.

Your doctor can perform a simple blood test to see if your T is low. If so, he can legally prescribe you synthetic T. And you have several different delivery methods to choose from. A gel, a patch, an injection, and there may be others. I tried the gel and the patch. They were both irritating to my skin, and it got downright boring having to apply it the same time every day, and I had to be very careful to leave no trace anywhere and to not touch anyone with contiminated hands.

Then I tried weekly injections, given by my wife at home. That works well. Or at least now it does. She had never given shots before, was a bit scared to give them, and we have some funny stories to tell about her using me as the guinea pig to learn on.

At first, she had a bad habit of missing the mark she was aiming for. Then she had a bad habit about pushing too hard on the plunger to inject the (very thick) medicine (ouch). Then she had to learn NOT to torque the needle as she removed it (ouch). Then the king of them all: after successfully giving a shot one night, she was careless with the needle and accidentally buried it in my hip AGAIN while trying to apply the bandaid. I jumped freaking 10 feet high it seemed.

The side effects for me were that the T caused my bone marrow to produce too many red blood cells. The cells were fine (not abnormal in any way), except there were too many of them which thickens blood and raises the risk of heart attack. But I exercise every day, and the doc slightly lowered my T dose, and my blood is fine now.

And I feel better than I've felt in several years.
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its an oil.. the esters are floating in oil.. the linger esters hurt to inject. its better to get pharmicyticle t cuzz the esters are smaller an u can use a smaller guage needle .. run the oil trew hot water it will warm itup and make it less told
Good sleep , heavy leg workouts, and HIIT are natural ways to raise T as well.

also DHEA is a pre cursor for T and other hormones, cycled 2~3 weeks on, 1~2 weeks off, best as a topical, and under testing to check levels and monitor them..

I do plyometrics, heavy weight, body weight, yoga, MMA, and traditional MA just about every single day, and eat extremely well.

I dedicate about an hour + a day usually in the morning to some diverse routines.
I do a lot of structural integrity exercises, stretching, I had to do some corrective exercises to repair an injury it worked out successful I learned a lot, plus I actively study exercise and physiology ongoing.

for years I trained in traditional MA , then went to MMA and more combat oriented styles like krav maga.

Right now though I like old school MA, forms, kick drills, all basics practiced nearly every day. I prefer to do most work outs in the sun and also preferably bare foot for grounding (-) <<< that is a powerful combo IME

For me traditional MA challenges posture and movement and balance and strength

I got a nice gym with mirrors and mats and everything else I want so I don't need a gym , I prefer private good positive environment preferably in sun/grounded for "D" uptake and fresh are as well as closing the ground (-) charge at feet..

Good topic I do cold showers but now I am gong to fuck with it more and see if i notice a difference in energy.

Nice. And yeah boosting T levels is merely one of many benefits cold showers has to offer. With a hot shower youre opening up your pores and absorbing all of that shit thats in the water supply. I literally feel more, how do you say...Chipper... throughout the day. None of that laxidasical flushed feeling after a hot shower. A frigid shower followed by some expresso with Ghee and Im Amping for the day. Walking out of my house like Truman Burbank in the mornings.

Im with you on the Vitamin D and grounding by the way. Vitamin D supplements are utterly worthless. You get everything you need from 15 minutes of Sun per day(at least), and Grounding is huge. Same goes for Iron supplements. Just use a cast iron pan for extra iron intake! Im also a huge fan of Emotional Freedom Techniques. I was highly skeptical of EFT and wrote it off as nonsense, until I tried my own analysis. I work as a Paramedic on a 911 rescue rig, so i take my Blood Pressure daily. My systolic baseline is in the sub 120 range, usually at 116, with my diastolic roughly at 70. If I run a stressful call and/or witness something gnarly, sometimes ill notice my pressure skyrocket! With EFT I can literally drop my pressure by roughly 30 points in a matter of a minute or so. Yoga, grounding, EFT, meditating, prayer. Huge.
Heck, learn to give you own shots up your butt, I've never done it yet can't be that hard to do, wipe the skin with rubbing alcohol and grin and bear it, lol

I looked into those T shots but when I seen the cancer and heart risks from those shots, I decided to let things be.. There might be good reasons our bodies make less T as we age, maybe it can also be harmful longterm.

I've never took cold showers, just hot all my life and I didn't really feel old until my late 40's and even now feel Ok and got no problems having some fun when I can.
Heck, learn to give you own shots up your butt, I've never done it yet can't be that hard to do, wipe the skin with rubbing alcohol and grin and bear it, lol

I looked into those T shots but when I seen the cancer and heart risks from those shots, I decided to let things be.. There might be good reasons our bodies make less T as we age, maybe it can also be harmful longterm.

I've never took cold showers, just hot all my life and I didn't really feel old until my late 40's and even now feel Ok and got no problems having some fun when I can.

Well, thanks for the contribution dude. This isnt a Testosterone thread, added T production just happens to be one of the many benefits of cold showers, but, indeed. IM injections are no big deal if youre of the age where your body wont be producing the levels you desire.
Heres the link again for your perusal (this link is just one of many on the topic)
Very interesting facts about cold showers yet swimming can offer the same benefits and more cause U can workout by swimming laps in the pool. My pool is non heated and around 76 during the summer, plus I get chilled when I get out of the pool.

I've been using cold water therapy and did not even know it all these years. I'm an active swimmer and diver for half of the year for over 20 years now, maybe I should think about swimming year round but public pools seem yucky or loaded with choline.but hey one can shower it off

Thanks for the link, cool thread
Well, thanks for the contribution dude. This isnt a Testosterone thread, added T production just happens to be one of the many benefits of cold showers, but, indeed. IM injections are no big deal if youre of the age where your body wont be producing the levels you desire.
Heres the link again for your perusal (this link is just one of many on the topic)

I prefer cold showers simply bc I can't stand hot showers not bc of any purported benefits. There's a lot of misinformation in that article though. It's basically useless.
I used to be a serious sauna afficionado when i lived in norway. Twice sometimes 3 times a wekk wed go into a 120c sauna and then roll in the snow outside then come back in. The cold chock for somereason felt much nicer than the warm one.
Im gonna give this a gowhats said in the article makes a lot of sense. I just dont think i can do 10 minutes you know, the water in my pipes is at 8 to 9C according to the burner!
Well, I'm in my 50s and the weekly T injections seem to be doing fine. But I'm game for trying something new.

Yeah, note the key word there being "production." Still plenty of dudes killing it in their 50's. One menacing local surfer in my neighborhood comes to mind. Granted, hes prob shooting roids and HGH, but nevertheless.

Is it just me, or is this exactly the same activity- just characterized differently?

I'm in my late forties and I have zero symptoms of low T. Medical professionals have generally agreed that unless there ARE issues, that HRT isn't indicated.

Besides, twenty one was great for me and it had a lot more to do with a great relationship then my ability to get a hardon.
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Im pretty tempted to give this a go but you cant clean yourself right with cold water can you? My grandad used to take cold shower pretty frequently if not all the time he said it was for chest hair related purposes and what not.
Actually now in winter it must be nice cause the temperature of the water is colder than ambient temperature so when you get out the shower it will feel warmer. edit i think what i mean is the termic amplitude from water to ambient temperature will be small fuck im so knackered ive had my car literally fly today future is here people
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It has some good shock value it wakes me up real fast.
I reckon the cold water can disrupt one's attitude or have an effect on one's energy and mental focus at least momentarily.
I live in sunny CA so temps are in the 60's sometimes 50's f at this time of year, not sure on the water temp but colder than ambient for sure.