Cold Showers

I prefer cold showers simply bc I can't stand hot showers not bc of any purported benefits. There's a lot of misinformation in that article though. It's basically useless.
Asbestos isn't bad for you....

See how ridiculous that statement sounds.
That's how ridiculous your statement sounds.

There is endless clinical data on this topic. So much so, that this thread was simply posted to enlighten some who many not be savvy to the health benefits they could be achieving. If they can Man up and jump in a cold shower that is..
Once enough definitive research has been concluded, and the results are concurrent with each other across the spectrum of various unrelated studies, the science goes from anecdotal to factual.
But indeed, this is an online forum. Anyone can stake any argument they want. Perhaps tomorrow I'll start a thread on how sunburns are a myth, or that rotating your tires are a fruitless endeavor.
I think there is lot to it, swimming is also a great way of cooling your body off. Hot water can clean better. so wash in warm water but then find a way to cool off. We got "hot tubs" but I never seen "cold tubs" but then that can be a swimming pool if the water is cool.
Is it just me, or is this exactly the same activity- just characterized differently?

I'm in my late forties and I have zero symptoms of low T. Medical professionals have generally agreed that unless there ARE issues, that HRT isn't indicated.

Besides, twenty one was great for me and it had a lot more to do with a great relationship then my ability to get a hardon.
T was just one point among many. When I have time, I'll go back in link some other analysis from the scientific end, as opposed to that bodybuilding link. In short, this was never meant to be a T thread. I'm not even slightly worried about my T levels personally. It is a fact however that you start tapering down from your early 30's.
Asbestos isn't bad for you....

See how ridiculous that statement sounds.
That's how ridiculous your statement sounds.

No, it's just your statement that sounds ridiculous to be quite honest. Asbestos CAN be bad for you just like anything else, even water. The fact is it's all dose dependent.

"There is poison in everything, nothing is without poison. The dose is what makes the poison"

There is endless clinical data on this topic. So much so, that this thread was simply posted to enlighten some who many not be savvy to the health benefits they could be achieving. If they can Man up and jump in a cold shower that is..
Once enough definitive research has been concluded, and the results are concurrent with each other across the spectrum of various unrelated studies, the science goes from anecdotal to factual.

You go from endless clinical data to once enough definitive research has been done. Well which one is it? Is there endless data or does more still have to be done? You say one thing then contradict yourself 4 sentences later lol. This thread is meaningless since much of what's talked about in the article is misleading and taken out of context. If that's enough to convince you by all means drink the Kool aid and live your life how you want.

I ask you to post up some of this endless data. Show me some RCTs or objective data on the topic not some BS article from some quack looking to sell his brand to the masses.

But indeed, this is an online forum. Anyone can stake any argument they want. Perhaps tomorrow I'll start a thread on how sunburns are a myth, or that rotating your tires are a fruitless endeavor.

Kind of like what you're doing here :)
Here is an article written by Mercola that I think is interesting.
The correct term for cold water therapy is "Cryotherapy" actually a popular technique.

wether there is sound data as to it's effectiveness I am not that deep into it but I have wondered about skin absorption of chloramines and other nasty shit .

I know for me, my tap water has to be ro filtered or that shit fucks up my stomach pretty bad. I drink a lot of pure cold water often more than a gallon a day.

As a stand alone I doubt a cold shower is of much use but as a piece of a puzzle for overall well being I think it is a keeper within reason , for me, I like the small challenge it represents and the jolt..

definitely cooler to take cold showers in the summer
True true, no cold showers or swims for me until springtime

Forget drinking tap water, I cook and bathe with it of course but I drink only spring feed bottle water, why chance it, it tastes better too and no ice cold water to drink, that causes me to get a sore throat after a soda is OK but then I don't drink it often.
Here in front range Colorado, I drink cold, clean water straight from the tap- and it tastes great!

I've swam in a local river right at the base of the Rocky Mountains in late October, but that's about as ballsy as I can manage.

I've done SCUBA in frigid water and I have no desire to shower daily in it. Unless...
Holy shit guys

I think i managed toi stay long enough to clean my stink pits this morning and that was pretty much it i dont think i beat 2 minutes, 8C water. I just focused on breathing deeply and slowly. Having the water on your head is too fucking much though. It felt well nice afterwards though, much nicer than when i take a hot shower for when you dont feel cold when you get out the shower you feel warmer which is pretty odd.
You know what its not actually that hard. Ive done it a few times now and i thinkl the trick is getting a bit sweaty right before you get in. Get yourself wet, turn that cold fucking thing off, soap yourself and rinse. Im still not being able to stay under much longer than 3 to 5 minutes but fuck it feels pretty fucking on it! 2 eggs and some porridge after and im ready for anything!!! Thanks for this thread @Dankfactory i almost look forward to the morning shower now lol
I can make the choice to do the difficult thing without feeling the need to freeze my balls in a cold shower.
cold showers are invigorating

today I did a epic workout then jumped in the cold shower that shit is intense !

it is a miniature challenge + science shows it drastically reduces uric acid levels after exercise

I might not like it as much if I was not in beautiful sunny CA with 60f temps in January .

I probably would not think about it much if I was in a cold sub zero climate
No, it's just your statement that sounds ridiculous to be quite honest. Asbestos CAN be bad for you just like anything else, even water. The fact is it's all dose dependent.

"There is poison in everything, nothing is without poison. The dose is what makes the poison"

You go from endless clinical data to once enough definitive research has been done. Well which one is it? Is there endless data or does more still have to be done? You say one thing then contradict yourself 4 sentences later lol. This thread is meaningless since much of what's talked about in the article is misleading and taken out of context. If that's enough to convince you by all means drink the Kool aid and live your life how you want.

I ask you to post up some of this endless data. Show me some RCTs or objective data on the topic not some BS article from some quack looking to sell his brand to the masses.

Kind of like what you're doing here :)

" You go from endless clinical data to once enough definitive research has been done. Well which one is it?"

Sorry dudes, I work a ton of hours and dont always have time to f*** around on the forums as much as Id like. Im sure this is evident by my post count.
Doc, allow me to explain something to you. This might be a nostalgic flashback all the way back to fourth grade literature. You seem to take issue with the aforementioned/quoted post I have included in italics, and this occupies and bolsters the majority of your rebuttal. How amusing. The adverb "Once", as it was used here, denotes an ongoing, and yet, past tense process. As an example, here is a similar incarnation of the word. "After countless hours of research, Doctors began employing epinephrine routinely during cardiac arrest once they analyzed the conclusive data."
See how fun reading comprehension can be?

In regards to the data as it relates to cold showers, it is easily found via your search button, and I usually dont do other individuals' due diligence for them, however in your case I will make the exception. Not just for the thread contents' sake, but also to further fling your credibility into the briny depths of obscurity( its only faintly visible now.) Youll have to forgive me however, Ill get to it in the next day or so when Im not working. Im on shift tomorrow bright and early, and Im not dicking around on a computer at work. Forgive me.
I should note that I welcome a nice spirited debate, and if things get heated, all the better. It makes the topic more interesting. Some of the most boring threads out there are the ones where everyones good vibing and high fiving. So, thanks for bringing some color to the topic, sir. I salute you. And you do realize by the way, that conforming to eye-rolling cliches such as " keep drinking the kool aid," can ironically be construed as you being the one who is actually enjoying the kool aid... Dont you?
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cold showers are invigorating

today I did a epic workout then jumped in the cold shower that shit is intense !

it is a miniature challenge + science shows it drastically reduces uric acid levels after exercise

I might not like it as much if I was not in beautiful sunny CA with 60f temps in January .

I probably would not think about it much if I was in a cold sub zero climate
I have to agree dude. The data on the topic was enough for me personally to make this change, but the proof is in the pudding as they say. I simply feel better after a cold shower. It charges me. Its also interesting ( to me at least) that Im entirely accustomed to cold showers now. What used to be a terrifying prospect and shocking sensation is now a welcomed and soothing shower experience, coupled with an eye opening rush and mood booster. No more of that morning fog, if you will.
You know what its not actually that hard. Ive done it a few times now and i thinkl the trick is getting a bit sweaty right before you get in. Get yourself wet, turn that cold fucking thing off, soap yourself and rinse. Im still not being able to stay under much longer than 3 to 5 minutes but fuck it feels pretty fucking on it! 2 eggs and some porridge after and im ready for anything!!! Thanks for this thread @Dankfactory i almost look forward to the morning shower now lol
Dude, my system almost craves them now. I look forward to them. I will admit however, that just before bed Im embarking on more of a lukewarm shower. I dont need to be blasting my rig with ice water when im trying to catch up on some sleep.
Dude, my system almost craves them now. I look forward to them. I will admit however, that just before bed Im embarking on more of a lukewarm shower. I dont need to be blasting my rig with ice water when im trying to catch up on some sleep.

Today i thimk i managed to have a propper soap up and rinse like i would (for as long) with warm water for the first time since embarking on this experiment. Its all about the breathing and relaxing.
I actually read somewhere that cold shower before bed help the system go to sleep, like 30 minutes before bed. I personally cant see how but ye. Actually maybe cause youre warming up again and its easier to fall asleep when environment temp is perceived higher (in this case illusion for thermal shock)??
That one health nut who lived until he was 96 years old--Jack LaLanne--he took a morning swim everyday at 5--6 am when he woke up, he dove right into his pool and swam laps and then had a fruit drink, he was in awesome shape all his life..even if he felt ill he still took his morning swim, even on the day he past away
I hadn't even watched this clip until now. Impossibly high at the moment as well. Dude, you singlehandedly dropped some soul and spirituality into this thread in addition to all the available data on this topic. Nice dude. Nice! This video basically made me feel like a total vagina for taking cold morning and mid- day showers, only to succumb to the temptation of a warm evening shower experience. Thanks for holding me accountable and for highlighting the fact that there are not only physical benefits to be reaped, but psychological ones as well. I'm also interested in this alleged data regarding evening showers that you have mentioned. Please include any info on the topic if you come across it.
I hadn't even watched this clip until now. Impossibly high at the moment as well. Dude, you singlehandedly dropped some soul and spirituality into this thread in addition to all the available data on this topic. Nice dude. Nice! This video basically made me feel like a total vagina for taking cold morning and mid- day showers, only to succumb to the temptation of a warm evening shower experience. Thanks for holding me accountable and for highlighting the fact that there are not only physical benefits to be reaped, but psychological ones as well. I'm also interested in this alleged data regarding evening showers that you have mentioned. Please include any info on the topic if you come across it.

Man i think im doing it for the psychological reasons more thanb anything. Im thinking yes getting some weight on them balls and see if i cant make my chest hair thicker. Its also making me exercise more! Everytime before a cold shower i will be doing some kettlebell snatches or pushps and squats. Actually i just took a cold shower not too long ago and ive been working for 10 hours straight and i mean straight i didnt even piss or eat just me and that soil and today is my clubbing night and yes i feel just like i woke up in the morning ready to clubbing and its not for another 4 or 5 hours lol.
Shit man just last week i remember having a fight with my burner and now im laughing at that moment, i broke my cats bowl with kick of frustration.
From nbow on hot water only if im ill or for washing dishes thats for fucking sure!
Again thanks man and look you made one convert, only been a week but fuck me i feel it!!!!!
Heres another video i came across want to now what you think? fake cold shower?!?! fuck off!