Cold Showers

Man i think im doing it for the psychological reasons more thanb anything. Im thinking yes getting some weight on them balls and see if i cant make my chest hair thicker. Its also making me exercise more! Everytime before a cold shower i will be doing some kettlebell snatches or pushps and squats. Actually i just took a cold shower not too long ago and ive been working for 10 hours straight and i mean straight i didnt even piss or eat just me and that soil and today is my clubbing night and yes i feel just like i woke up in the morning ready to clubbing and its not for another 4 or 5 hours lol.
Shit man just last week i remember having a fight with my burner and now im laughing at that moment, i broke my cats bowl with kick of frustration.
From nbow on hot water only if im ill or for washing dishes thats for fucking sure!
Again thanks man and look you made one convert, only been a week but fuck me i feel it!!!!!
Heres another video i came across want to now what you think? fake cold shower?!?! fuck off!

good vid odd you should happen to post a Yo Elliot video, I happen to be a strength camp member for going on a year and am working on Elliot Hulse routines now. Elliot & Strength Camp are 1 of the best out there ime and opinion.

Elliot has a lot of talent at breaking complex physiology into very understandable concepts that are basically simple and very effective at reversal of certain musculature imbalances that need to be addressed in any workout routine custom tailored for it's practitioner. Also very good at periodization and interval and functional training and pro athletic training ..

Here is my yesterday's modified Strength Camp light/ body weight conditioning day.

3x Circuit;
Jumping jacks 60rep
body lunges 20 rep each leg
bosu ball pushup 40 rep
bosu ball mountain climbers 50 rep @ brisk trot pace
body weight squats 20rep
bosu ball elbow planks 60s
bosu ball jump burpee 10 rep
high knee ups 50 rep

rest 2~3 min repeat circuit 2~3 times ..very little or no rest between exercises in circuit.

total circuit took 40 min to complete 3x

I do a lot of Strength Camp routines and Elliot cycles, excellent routines. very well rounded and very mixed to maximize all the work

Then I took a cold showers and it's the next day and I STILL feel like superman !!
Elliot has a lot of talent at breaking complex physiology into very understandable concepts that are basically simple and very effective at reversal of certain musculature imbalances that need to be addressed in any workout routine custom tailored for it's practitioner. Also very good at periodization and interval and functional training and pro athletic training ..

Man after what you said i watched a few of his videos where he explains the different kinds of muscle hypertrophy and the best ways to exercise in order to achieve different kinds of hypertrophy was probably the most useful video i have ever come across on exercising.
The only routine i have which is pretty set is when i wake up i do 3 or 4 rounds of 1 minute each divided into 4 exercises of 15 seconds doing it as hard as possible of running high knees into burpees with high jump intp pushups into standing high jumps. Rest 30 seconds in between, then i take a cold shower!!! fuck yeah!
I then use mainly a kettlebell and body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups, dips and squats though i usually just do front squats with the kettlebell. Usually do like no more than 30 min every 2nd day, im still a bit sore by the day i have to exercise.
Back in Norqay i used to go to the sauna every week at least twice and do a bit of an extreme hot/cold temperature therapy. Ive started it again. Take a cold shower til shaking and into the sauna til you cant handle it any longer i do that 3 times like the finnish mates used to (hey if the masters did it 3 times...) finish on a cold shower and youre done. I think when i was younger i didnt notice its effects as much but fuck me me man i feel blood going in parts of my body i didnt know had vessels. Not to mention how sadistically good it feels. Im seriously thinking of building a small wood burning sauna at mine after rediscovering this type of therapy.
I have been on cold water showers for a while now. They are pretty awesome as far as how I feel afterwards. If they have benefits beyond that, even better!
i have a cold shower every day, I love the feeling of getting in and being freezing and then letting my body adapt until it doesn't feel cold any more
My Boilers Broken. Got no choice but to have cold showers.
Glad to hear there are some benefits to balance out the discomfort.

Has anyone tried T + from Onnit, Jo Rogan's company.
Damn, that shit boosts your testosterone levels.
I only take it occasionally now.
Increased Testosterone levels = Increased hair loss.
