Coleus blumei


Well-Known Member

picture :

this plant has halucinating substances.its easy to find,and people use it as decorations,to make their homes look prettier.they grow fast,and have colourful leafs.i didnt tried it,and im intending to grow some for me :)
it can be founda all over EX yugoslavia ,and anywhere in the world i think,cos as i said,its used as home plant.
is anyone tried this?let us know is he alive,and was it good.


Well-Known Member
ive seen that before at a nusury. where did you find out it is a hallucinagen ive never heard of that before. congrats you have peaked my interest + rep


Active Member
dont waste ya time, its a pretty plant thats all.
its not even worth you looking into.
the constituents vary massively and arent studied


Well-Known Member
i looked it up on erowed and it dident have much, gave me a link though to a online book that classifys psyhoactive plants and fungi, you get about twenty fresh leaves and chew them up really good and swallow them and its supposed to be a two hour or so trip


Well-Known Member
i have been searching everywhere in plant shops to find them,but i could not find any.maybe cos its not summer.damn,whos gonna wait summer.ill try searching for that in houses of neighbours,like : i like your plant,can u give it to me? or could i buy it?
if anyone tries it,please tell us.if i try it ill make sure you all know.
and btw,there are MANY sorts of this plant,i guess this one is the one that makes u halucinate.there is not much info on internet about this.thanks for rep mistaphuck


coleus are easy to start from seed, and super easy to clone... i grow em when its warm; lovely foilage.... as far as their psychoactive properties, i've heard about it too, but there isnt really any proof of it... maybe i'll give it a shot this spring...


Active Member
try "Indian warrior" instead,
-the Salvia's are much more promising, extracts of some are more euphoric than opium [although not Divinorum, this one causes too much delerium]


Well-Known Member
im just waiting for summer,its winter now.cant wait,all herbs start to grow then,and i think i will find ones i am looking for :)


Well-Known Member
I heard about Coleus blumei's psychoactive effects about 2 years ago.
I went to a local nursery and picked up a few oF these beautiful plants.
I grew them into quite bountiful bushes.
I have tried chewing/sucking on about 20 of the leaves, making numerous teas, and blending up about 40 leaves in a blender with a bit of lemon juice.
Each time the taste was horribly bitter.
I was never able to feel an effect, but i was also never able to down all of my dose either.

Maybe i will one day try again.


Well-Known Member
WHAT?! I never heard nothing about that, I heard it somewhat relaxes or something of that sort. Thats interesting. It never worked for you though, at all?


Well-Known Member
it didnt worked at all,maybe cos i ate like only 4 lowers,
Gutter,it worked for u?did u had halucinations?or it just relaxed you?


Well-Known Member
soo,anyone tried this? im waiting for my coleus to grow big,and harvest its leafs then.
Its very easy to make another plant from one leaf...
if its not halucogenic,atleast it looks pretty and its kitch xD


Well-Known Member
There are experience reports about it at erowid. Sounds like a nice subtle high.

I've heard the active chemical in it is chemically similar to salvinorum (sp?) A. I think if you were to make an extract of it, like with salvia extracts, it could be quite strong.

Anyway my frient has a big coleus plant right on his porch. Next time I'm waiting for him outside, maybe I'll chew some leaves lmao