Collateral damage Or War crimes : Discuss

what a proper little tool you are!
what a proper little tool you are!

Ah dont be like that..... bro:) IM an ex-Soldier , i did two tours in Iraq and one in Afgan so i see the need for war. Im just seeing it from a different perspective. Cuz trust me man, if we weren't over there kicking paki ass, your country would have been bombed quite a few times. DOnt underestimate that fact that American does ALOT of good. And sure we kill people, but so does Alcohol and automobiles.... America does far more good than bad.

Now American is FAR from perfect, in fact its going to shit quite quickly....
I just KNOW that its better to have the US out there doing work, than to have us let the crazies run amok.

But i love you buddy be my friend?
dont worry about the debt you guys are in they'll steal that from some underprivledged western country in the name of the greater good,
why anyone would fight for their country is beyond me, i can understand if the fight was just, but for example the fight in iraq,
that was flat out illegal and based upon bare lies.
lol when i first saw your name i thought it was hepatitus lol, would be good if no one had nukes tho,
I thought it was disturbing too... I had no idea of the numbers.... Scary.... Not sure how accurate it is either... Still... It obviously shouldn't reflect badly on the American people... Only there Government...
BUT the PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT.. Wait, is that true.. hmmmm seems we got some work to do.. sad as these facts are, those that do not want to know or admit to themselves that these ARE facts.. will turn away or excuse themselves to justify said actions, , as they are so introverted to say 'they had it comming' or 'they were terrorists' or better yet ' they supported terrorists', to justify fascism and cruel, hurtful behavior is sick and inexcusable, seems we have all forgotten what The Prime Law is.. better yet The Initiation of Force.. the U.S. is one of the biggest lobbyists of this tool. Violence creates more violence, this is proven time and time again. But war is the most profitable means of eradication, end all these are atrocities, as it will effect people in the U.S. more then they would ever imagine..
It would be cool if there was no weapons and they had to fist fight.

But, that's exactly how it all started. Fight over stuff. Oh, cool, with a rock I can stand back and fight.
Now, with a Drone I can stand really back. I'm just Reaping the benefits.