This is the untopped GMT x RKU that had the colored trichs.
It has a super strong fruit/berry smell. I can't overstate how delicious the taste is. On inhale it tastes like a really sweet raspberry or something. On exhale it almost tastes like watermelon hubba bubba. It is a super smooth smoke. Can take as many and as big of puffs as you want with no need to cough. The taste stays on your lips after smoking.
The effect is really calming but not sleepy or couchlock. It is great hiking weed or just great weed to smoke outside on a sunny day.
It is also very effective for nerve pain and is long lasting. ( a couple hours )
Another home run by Collectors Edition seeds.
This is the topped GMT x RKU that had the colored trichs.
It has a really sour fruit/berry smell to it. The taste is just like it smells with the sour aspect being dominant. It is much more indica in effect then the first one with colored trichs was. Very potent couchlock type high with great pain management and great sleep and appetite inducing properties.
The keepers from each of the 3 strains are the best I have grown in many years aside from a few sativas.

Cheers :)
curious myself of the smoke reports, lol. Nobody talks potency anymore, but that's ok, jus curious of the buzz. gonna do the MC x LC next round I think.

I shared my reports here of the 3 strains I grew .
There is certainly no shortage of potency in the MC x LC , GMT x RKU , or Landos F2 from my experience growing and smoking them. All 3 have given top notch smoke.

Cheers :)
Some shots of some buds after a few months in the jar.
This is another of the GMT x RKU that had the colored trichs. It has a really strong berry smell minus the sourness of the other one.
MC x LC the marshmellowy one
Another GMT x RKU . This is the one that was last to come down. It has only gotten funkier smelling and harder hitting after months in the jar.
Another MC x LC with a very hard to describe smell but also hard hitting.

I also recently got a new camera and am slowly learning how to use it. Hence the pictures lol
Cheers :)