College room stealth cabinet design planning


Well-Known Member
dont feel bad..its 1am really i could be off on a few things myself...but...

fresh air is needed...but in a small grow box this can be obtained by simply opening the door to the grow room.just in a few minutes the air gets replaced...even breathing into the box while checking your plants help...we have co2 in our breathe .i only use passive vents if i have heat issues.ive noticed during the veg stage the humidity stays higher between 65-70% when the box is closed off and the lights have the only venting.its better to have a slightly higher rh when in veg.then i bring in passive vents during flowering to lower the rh and help prevent bud rot by taking the moisture out of the air

and now i get what your saying about the lights..with the wire mesh.yeah it should grow around the wire..but check to make sure you dont get the wire too close to the might heat up and burn the leaves...long as its 1/2 inch away your fine.

and i toss together a yeast/cane sugar/water mix inside a 2 liter bottle with a hose with a check valve on it that runs into the box and hangs above my plants...old school diy


Active Member
Yeah... I guess all the planning can't replace real world experience... I have no idea what wil the humidity be... trial and error I guess :)

And maybe a little strange question... just playing here... Would it be extermely wasteful to make bubble hash out of all my crop? How much do you think I would loose? (no profit lost because of no selling... it just seems the highest grade of smoke possible, so I wouldn't mind a lower quantity... as long as I have about 30g per month, I'm good)


Active Member
Good thinking Hasisar! ;) Maybe you'll consider other way the vent system, something like: passive intake, just one small circulating fan inside and the exhaust fan & filter installed outside the closet. That will save you some space in the already small area ;) I recently switched on LED's (from CFL's) 'cause of the heat problem. I know it doesn't look much, but when you plug them in... there is some heat in there. I have a grow space of just 2sq feet (1/2 m2) where only 6 CFL's of 36w each, made a 95-104 F (35-40 C). When I did the switch, I managed to have as steady 82-86 F (28-30 C) temp.
The bubble hash: just go ahead! :)) I do BHO to all my crops for a really compact stash. Instead of stashing some like a cubic feet of weed, I'll do it with just a small medicine bottle. Then again, that it's just a matter of taste...


Active Member
Hi Terente and thx for the reply! :D

Heat is exactly the point of having so many vents... I think it should work pretty well with those "corridors" arround the lamps... plus they would be at optimal distance from the laps... Is there any reason a passive intake system would be better?

I'm really interested in bubble hash... How much BH do you get out of 100g of pure bud? When using leafs I read somewhere that it's about 10/1... hopefully I'd get more than 10g out of it... What's your experience?

again thank you for the input!

Oh and thank you for being so considerate to convert into metric for me :)


Well-Known Member
as long as I have about 30g per month, I'm good
Why not get a 5 gallon bucket, with 3 x 6 inch net pots in the lid. You can easily grow 3 autos in such a setup, which will give you more to smoke.
I do not picture 1 auto (other than some select high yielding strains) giving you an ounce of dried bud, especially not every month.

Why not go for indica dominant strains, and keep your grow perpetual?
This way you can harvest (from the three plants) about 15 grams of bud each week or two.

Good luck!


Active Member
Hi dyzel!

The plan is to grow 4 plants... Being realistic (or pessimistic hopefully) i count on producing 20g of dried bud from every plant... so that's 80g every two months... wich is more than 1g per day... a bit too much but it's good to be on the safe side. :)

I was thinking about hydrophonics, but for the noob first run, i was given good advice that the less to go wrong the better :) So organic it will be at least for the first batch. Plus not growing in a DWC gives me a little lower overall height, wich is important in my case ( the height of the box is 90cm...)

Perpetual growing is definatelly a great option, but I really want to stear away from high plants, and seperate mother chambers and so on... And it would be quite difficult to grow a normal plant in such a low space. LST or something could be the answer, and maybe... someday...


Well-Known Member
with the setup you got 20 grams per plant is very do able...the autoflower strains i get can yeild 20-80 2 months time..if you start each plant about 2 weeks could harvest the first the time you smoke all that its time to harvest the second one. after 1 is harvested...start another one


Active Member
wouldn't that require that I use both 2100K and 6400K lamps at the same time? I plan on mixing them anyways... but in more an 80:20 ratio... just to get a more "natural" feel to the light...


Well-Known Member
id start off with the 80:20 ratio...then reverse that when it goes into flowering...6400k for veg 2700k for flowering...with the right setup and nutes one can get a gram per true watt


Active Member
2700K yeah... not 2100K... too much info to keep all in my head :)

So it wouldn't make sense to have a perpetual grow, if I want max efficiency... I'd have to have a 50:50 ratio at all times? Well.. there could always just be two boxes... :D

And another question DJ... can't seem to find a straight answer (looking for only a few mins, so I could put a little more effort in it... but why if I have you (and really thank you for this!))

could I grow a normal plant as a LST or ScrOG in a growbox 90 cm (35 inches)high?


Well-Known Member
oh last box was only 30 inches high...depending on the strain you could get 100 grams out of a scrog grow and it only be 16 inches tall...scrog keeps it low and spread out.its more about width then height here...of course the more height the better.lowryder,white widow,northern lights,ak-48..all good strains for scrog grows.and with lst if trained right the plant will grow in the direction and range you want it to grow...if its getting too tall..tie it down in another direction or angle.and topping it will help keep it low..which you would want to do many 2-3 time if doing a scrog grow..only once if doing a lst grow..that will give you two main big top colas...where scrog will give you several smaller colas


Well-Known Member
and for the love of ganja dont go completely by what i say.the advice i pass along here is from what ive done,seen others do,and read about.every grow and grower is different.after your first few grows you will learn whats best for you.growing can be as simple as putting the seed in the ground and watering..can still get a budding plant just from that.but not as potent or as good of yield.take what advice you get here and from others and figure out whats best for you and your needs.there are 1,000's of ways to have a successful grow,just have to try it out a few matter how much research and advice you get can compare to actually growing.just be carefull about some advice you get on here...ive seen some grumpy,pissed about a bad grow type idiots that roam the threads here and give advice that only a moron would follow..aka the guy going around telling people to piss on their plants...or the other that says to put your seedlings in the microwave for 2 minutes cause the radiation makes it mutant and grow faster...some people are here to give good advice...might not be the best,but at least are trying to help...we all had to start somewhere


Active Member
wow... The choices! The horror! ;)

I am soooo in love with the idea of growing my own little midget bonsai weed (autos). I actually find them really beautiful plants :)

But now there is a chance of growing some really great stuff, much purer strains (ruderallis strains still feel kind of sciency-modern DNA frankensteins... but I don't think there is one in the "medical marijuana" quality range... I could be wrong).

Plus, height and depth are my constrains... I could run a 2m long 1m high and 60cm deep growbox along my bed (just have to put 2 wheels on the bed to move it...)!



Well-Known Member
i like the autoflowering strains...i like that they sex and flower in 3-4 weeks and most you can harvest in 60 days.they make good,short,fast plants.and yeah some are potent enough to be considered medical..the diesel ryder im growing now has a 20%thc content...should check out my growing 2 auto strains now,deisel ryder and roadrunner.they are both fem 100% sure i get all females.the diesel showed sex before it was 2 weeks old..its now 4 weeks old and full of hairs...just started lsting it last night.the downside of the autos is they set their own cant control how long it vegs..they stay a small cant really clone a auto..and topping them isnt a good idea in my regular strains grow bigger...but take much longer to harvest.and you have to have strict control of the lights,where with autos they can be on any cycle from seed..i grow all my autos on a 20/4 schedule so that it gets a lot of light time..but time to recoup and get that darkness it if you have the time and growspace go with a reg strain..if you want smoke fast and a short plant go mixing it up..thi grow is the grow is bubblelicious and papaya..which are both reg going to scrog is a link to my grow if you want to check it out...


Active Member
Well... i'm too far into engineering my dream lowrider growbox... I really want to try some of my ideas... so I'll stick to them :)

I'm currently working on a better 3d model of the thing...

The new question on my mind is could I produce enough to have 1g per day of something of the highest quality... wich was always the idea, but now i really started playing with the idea of using the whole crop to make bubble hash...

Here's a quick calculation:

If I had 7 plants, optimally lighted with 380w of optimally positioned CFLs... I think I just may produce about 0,6g per W.... 1g is probably out of the question for a noob... That means I'd have to get about 230g of good bud. I've read that the ration 10/1 when making bubblehash if using leafs... so it would have to be at least10/3 when using bud... that's 70g of bubblehash for me for two months... wich is more than good enough! :D

What do you think?

(forgot to mention I LOOOOVE hash and it's waaay harder to get it here than bud... even if I ever fancy something else... i'm sure growers from my area would trade a few g's :D:D:D:D)


Active Member
Hehe... i'm jus thinking out loud... I'm more interested in are my expectations correct? I should be able to get about 230g of bud out of this set-up, shouldn't I?

So it's 15x 26w CFLs... 1800 lumens each... that's 27000 lumens

Well... even that's not really a question... coz noone will know until I try...

I guess I just like sharing... :)


Well-Known Member
that should be about right...and id try a couple 42w thrown in with that mix..maybe use 12 42w's instead..just a thought