this is very fucked up. this fagiit ass d-t should be locked up and not in those special jails for pigs or p/c lock his ass with with the real hommies from detroit!!! lets see how far ge gets!!! i fucking cant stand the police. ive never had to call them a day in my life. they dont do shit for me. its fuked up cuzz they can lie to us its ok bu if we lie to them its a felony. they can beat us with pistols, batons, tazers, and maglights, but if that same bitch Ass pig breaks a nail on me while bEating on me m in my state thas a class 1 felony 4-15 years mandatory!!!! I LIVE IT WHEN WHEN THEY DIE!!!!!!!!! IT BRINGS JOY TO MY HEART!!!!! I HAVE NEVER MET A COP I LIKED!!!!!!!!