Colloidal silver generator


Well-Known Member
Hello rollitupers I'm having an issue making cs water aa I've made it twice now and sprayed it before flower and yet it will not reverse the plant and it doesn't turn amber after a few days like I heard it usually does.
I'm using a 5v phone charger that works and I bought 99.99 silver from ebay with the alligator clips and they are not In the water- laser shines through the water but it's a green laser and it shines in regular water so can't tell that way
You need to spray the plant every day with colloidal silver until you get good male flower formation then stop spraying. Pollen can take 7-10 days after that to be viable. Even then colloidal silver is hit and miss. Sts is much more reliable and less work.
Hello rollitupers I'm having an issue making cs water aa I've made it twice now and sprayed it before flower and yet it will not reverse the plant and it doesn't turn amber after a few days like I heard it usually does.
I'm using a 5v phone charger that works and I bought 99.99 silver from ebay with the alligator clips and they are not In the water- laser shines through the water but it's a green laser and it shines in regular water so can't tell that way

Voltage may be too low. I use a 29.5V wall wart to make mine and test it with a ppm pen I calibrated for 20ppm. Should be 2 - 2.5X the reading I get which I usually stop when it reads 6 or 7. That should give me 12 - 17.5ppm CS. I never did try it for reversing a plant and got the chem for making STS instead and that's worked 7 out of 7 times I've used it.

Any pics of your setup? Did you buy a whole kg of silver for this? I use a $20 .999 silver coin from the post office I split in half and hang the pieces from some .999 silver wire I bought online.

Colloidal silver_New setup_01.jpg

I'm using a 1L flat-bottomed boiling ball on a magnetic stirrer

Colloidal silver_New setup_02.jpg

I found plans for a current limiting circuit to make better CS and don't know for sure if it's really better but it seems to work tho takes twice as long.




Just learn how to make STS instead.
It's much simpler and you won't go through all that fucking about only to find you haven't reversed the plant.
Read the guide below

Thanks for the replies guys - I was thinking the voltage was too low too and I simply can't afford sts at the moment as the us to jmd is high and I don't have a job out here in ja so imma try it with a high voltage charger and see - I'll try to put up a pic tomorrow
I didn't buy a kg by the way that's the brand I bought and it came with 5 silver pieces aboue the size of you small finger nail so I use 2 of them
Thanks for the replies guys - I was thinking the voltage was too low too and I simply can't afford sts at the moment as the us to jmd is high and I don't have a job out here in ja so imma try it with a high voltage charger and see - I'll try to put up a pic tomorrow
I didn't buy a kg by the way that's the brand I bought and it came with 5 silver pieces aboue the size of you small finger nail so I use 2 of them
I know it will be fun to make cs but try buying a small bottle of STS or just make it yourself. It's supposed to be a much better way just read the link @coreywebster provided. He knows his shit

If you don't have the money maybe sell the silver and save some change up I think it's around 20$ for a small bottle. Instead of telling yourself you don't have the money just spend that time you would be wasting either getting the ingredients to make your own Sts or buy a pre-made bottle so you don't waste ur time!
Here's a pic with a plastic bottle but i usually use glass - I doubled up the chargers so now Ive got 10 Vols and as I said there is power and the silver gets black where it contacts the water but no results spraying it but I'm just going to have to buy the sts man


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I'm not an electrician but do a bit of DIY wiring around the house and various projects so I'm pretty sure that you still have just 5V but double the amperage maybe. When you hook two positives of the same voltage it's the same voltage and not twice as much unless wired in series like in devices with two or more batteries that are hooked up +-+- etc. 4 - 1.5V batteries gives you 6V but when hooked up parallel you have more amperage ,(power), but the same 1.5V.

If you have a multimeter you could double-check the voltage.

A little trick I use to speed things up is when starting a new batch I add a shot glass of the old batch to it so it gets the juice flowing sooner. Can take a while longer with pure distilled water as there's no ions to allow the energy to flow between the anode and cathode. I switch the + and - half way thru to even out the wear on the coins too.

Thanks for the replies guys - I was thinking the voltage was too low too and I simply can't afford sts at the moment as the us to jmd is high and I don't have a job out here in ja so imma try it with a high voltage charger and see - I'll try to put up a pic tomorrow
I didn't buy a kg by the way that's the brand I bought and it came with 5 silver pieces aboue the size of you small finger nail so I use 2 of them
You can buy 2 or 3 9v batteries and they will connect male to female like lego