Colloidal silver help!


Active Member
So I've been using colloidal silver on a plant for a little over a week now. Its seems to be working since the female flowers aren't growing too fast and the few that are don't look happy.The first batch I made was kinda of clear but I know it semi worked because my leaves have a silver hue leftover after spraying. This last batch I just made I left in the current for twice as long. This time around the solution turned a brown color. Like a I wouldn't drink that for a million dollars life threatening brown color. So my question is should I dilute this stuff with distilled water or should I spray with it full strength and hope for the best? I don't have any way to test the ppm. Advice from someone with experience with this stuff would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You made it with distilled water right? It turns brown with dirty water, and if you leave it in light. I actually haven't make colloidal s. but a friend of mine did lots of times,
So the brown is caused by dirty water ( don't spray if that's the reason, the solution is now toxic to plants i think) or by light ( in which case i'm not sure but just to be safe make a new batch, maybe? :D
Thanks for giving it a shot but no I used distilled water and it never touched the light... well only when I poured the solution into the spray bottle but it wasn't well lit so naturally the shit went everywhere and may have stained the carpet. I looked up some color information on a human consumption CS site and they said something about the watts having a wavelength frequency like light which can dictate color. I used a 5W adapter and the color chart said yellow for 3W and red for 7W so I guess my color should be orange. Guess I just did it for too long but I still don't know how to dilute it or whether to at all. I think I'll just use it full strength and if the plant starts looking funky(er) I'll dilute it a bit.
Are you sure you had pure silver? I had some change a yellowish hue before and it never harmed the plants. I doubt it's toxic.
click my name go to view journal enrties and learn about this stuff called STS it is cheaper and just as effective as colloidal silver.

i believe its the latest entry i made and not the journal in my sig
Thanks for replies guys.
Gas I used the same coins I did before... some walking liberties 1 oz 99.9% silver coins. Yeah I'm thinking of diluting at least till I get an orangey hue instead of brown to be safe. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Poly thanks for the info but I'll stick with this for now. It cant be cheaper than the price of a gallon of distilled water for a gallon of CS. Since I had the DC adapter, the coins and the clips already. Didn't even know that I had coins worth 30 dollars in silver laying around. Good thing I got into breeding or I may have gotten high and bought a couple bags of funyons with them.
actually as a guy put it to me, for wieght its cheaper than water. seriosly you can get the stuff you need for under 15$ shipped.

But you still need to purchase distilled water to make STS ;) Thanks for the info - going to have to order up the ingredients now.
Nothing wrong with the reddish - brownish CS. It's what I'm using now. Simply from running the generator longer than probably need be.
Working good for me spraying every other day.
The almost clear CS I needed to spray at least daily, sometime twice a day.
Brownish is simply more concentrated.
If you see the fan leaves starting to object,, just reduce the frequency of spray. All's good.
why dont people relize, they can just drop a tylenol in a spray bottle of water and it's the EXACT same effect of CS
Dude ive done side by sides, use the search button i dont need to prove to you that it works, you need to prove your self that it DOESNT work,