Collossal celery stalk stem?


Well-Known Member
(back right)

So wtf is the deal with this? Its growing like 6 leaves per set instead of 2.

This guy went through some bad nute burn and I topped it, only 1/4 of my main tops swelled up like this and turned into a beast.

Should I be expecting more bud from this cola? or just more stem weight?

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Is there a safe way to reproduce this?

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
this is the third celery stem I have seen, it is always nute burn. lol. I dropped a container of full str nutes on a baby. The stalk turned to a 3 inch thick stalk! grew almost no bud, but it was my first time in 4 in rw, so it would only be an ounce anyway.

IDK yours looks like a good yelder anyway. I tried to reveg the plant anyway to see if next go it would give plants like it but it died.


Well-Known Member
Got a plant growing just like that right now - mine has a polyploid main cola which I thought was the reason for the wierd stalk. Yours have a normal top bud?


Well-Known Member
didn't look closely enough at the first pic - looks like you do have at least one polyploid cola. should be a crazy ass plant.