colorado 420 rally....and gunfire? WTF?


Well-Known Member
Half the State of Colorado is wasteland that should belong to Kansas it is so flat and barren.
The other half is mountains.
Denver sits in the middle and is a dirty town that belies the stereotypes of Colorado.
It's no Salt Lake City, or Seattle.

Colorado is a nice place to visit if you like to snow ski; but I wouldn't want to live there.


Well-Known Member
Well I was going to visit Colorado; but now I think I will go to New Mexico instead. :twisted:
I don't need any gangster kush.

It's educational that they didn't shut down Denver while they hunted the terrorist.
5 were murdered overnight in Seattle as well, and they didn't shut that city down to hunt the shooter(s).

The moral to the story is if someone shoots a cop they will do everything to protect the 'public':
but if a cop is not killed they don't much care about the 'public'.
Since when have those motherfuckers been working for each other and not for US?
You're totally wrong on this. They would have done that manhunt exactly the same way even if no cops were killed. Those punks planted bombs that killed people and severely injured over 200 others. Including over 20 people who have become amputee's.
Those kids had to be caught at all costs before more people got killed or hurt and that is the way LE looked at it right from the get go.
As it turns out they had other bombs and were planning to go to NYC in a few days to commit more terrorist acts.


Well-Known Member
All i did was agree that in Michigan this wouldn't have made the news, and here in Colorado it would. Its not my fault you guys live in Michigan, your choice not mine. (and yes there was i point in my life where i took the time to choose where we were going to live and decided Colorado was the place for me, not that Michigan was ever even considered) But when did i say your state sucks? All i did was agree with your info.
Everyone is all upset and i never said anything offensive, you guys just went off the deep end. Look back through my posts, and tell me where i was such an ass hole?
I have been here just about as long as you Bowl, and i post quite often, just because you haven't seen me doesn't mean i haven't been here a long time too.
I take care of what you guys report, i try to stay out of your business, but when a thread comes up about Colorado, i read it, just like if i was to start a thread in Colorado Patients about Michigan, you would read it too.
Hate me all you want, but i will still be here, posting what i want, when i want, where i want. But seriously read what i said, not what was said about what i said and you will see i am not the dick you have made me out to be. But feel however, no skin off my back.
No but you should of said the state sucks, and the people are very sensitive so you need to treat them like PETA treats an endangered species or they will cry.

This is the internet you posted the word Colorado anyone on the internet can come and tell you how much your state fucking blows or Colorado rocks or how the fucking weather in Sydney (70F slightly cloudy) is.


Well-Known Member
Sydney for Tuesday Clear. Winds S/SW and light. Partly cloudy. The chance of showers later in the day. Winds N/NE and light increasing to 15 to 20 km/h later



Well-Known Member
You're totally wrong on this. They would have done that manhunt exactly the same way even if no cops were killed. Those punks planted bombs that killed people and severely injured over 200 others. Including over 20 people who have become amputee's.
Those kids had to be caught at all costs before more people got killed or hurt and that is the way LE looked at it right from the get go.
As it turns out they had other bombs and were planning to go to NYC in a few days to commit more terrorist acts.
Nope - you're wrong and I'm right.
I don't want to discuss this any further if you are not from the Great Lakes State.

Notice fellow babies how they didn't deny that Denver sucks and the Eastern half of the state is a giant slanted wasteland that gradually works it's way down to a few hundred feet above sea level like the rest of Kansas.:fire:


Active Member
All i did was agree that in Michigan this wouldn't have made the news, and here in Colorado it would. Its not my fault you guys live in Michigan, your choice not mine. (and yes there was i point in my life where i took the time to choose where we were going to live and decided Colorado was the place for me, not that Michigan was ever even considered) But when did i say your state sucks? All i did was agree with your info.
Everyone is all upset and i never said anything offensive, you guys just went off the deep end. Look back through my posts, and tell me where i was such an ass hole?
I have been here just about as long as you Bowl, and i post quite often, just because you haven't seen me doesn't mean i haven't been here a long time too.
I take care of what you guys report, i try to stay out of your business, but when a thread comes up about Colorado, i read it, just like if i was to start a thread in Colorado Patients about Michigan, you would read it too.
Hate me all you want, but i will still be here, posting what i want, when i want, where i want. But seriously read what i said, not what was said about what i said and you will see i am not the dick you have made me out to be. But feel however, no skin off my back.
I think this was taken too personally all around... but when a MOD jumps in and bashes everyone in the State.. that's when people got heated...

But you are WRONG- it WOULD and HAS made the News here..
Do not assume you know what matters to the people and/or media of a State you do not live in...

And do not assume that because you were blessed enough to be afforded the position to MAKE the choice where to live that everyone does- VERY FEW people have that luxury nowdays....

Just like folks saying Colorado is all Rich Hippy Snow-boarders is WAY wrong (Lived in Colorado Springs just outside Garden of the Gods a while...beautiful, and decent people- just like here in N.W Michigan at the Dunes....)

How 'bout we all get back to WHY we are here?

There was a tragic incident people have a right to know about and discuss without it being turned into a "State-vs-State" B.S Troll-match...

We are ALL in the War to Free the weed regardless of where we live or what else we think/believe in....
There are enough folks out there who wish to make US ALL the "Bad Guys"... We do not need to start doing the same from within...


Well-Known Member
I will cease fire Lady. I get defensive when people jump on where I'm from and will always jump right in any fight to defend my friends, real or cyber.

btw I've been to Col and really had an awesome time, its amazing in the mountains.

Michigan still rocks. I can motor up and down a chain of 7 lakes all day long in the sun.....not a bad way to spend the day. How's the view up in the UP Glad? :).


Active Member
We can drive up one 31 and hit all the dunes in one day...and camp in the National Forests every night.... Gotta love the Combo of Beaches and Woods..... We don't have Mountains-- but we got some big-ass hills & Dunes!


Well-Known Member
So it's settled:
Colorado is a nice place to visit,
and Pure Michigan is a nice place to live.

Everything in between is just Levelland.


Well-Known Member
I've spent most of my Adult life in Colorado and Michigan. I grew up in the Sagnasty so I have to admit I really like Colorado a lot. For me I'm comparing $10,000 home to $1200 a month rent. Easy choice really. I miss the mountains, living in SE Michigan the whole time I was young makes it easy to see that much of Colorado has taken way better care of the nature. But I also think much of Michigan gets a bad rep just because of the SE part of the state.

They really are two of the most beautiful states. I have always loved Oregon too. Its like they took the mountains of Colorado and laid Michigan on top. Everything is green and wet with rivers and lakes all over, and there is still tons of pristine wilderness to disappear in to.

Oh and as for the people..... I think they are both great. Although in Colorado people are more likely to hug you and in Michigan people will tell you like it is, whether its nice or not.


Active Member
I've spent most of my Adult life in Colorado and Michigan. I grew up in the Sagnasty so I have to admit I really like Colorado a lot. For me I'm comparing $10,000 home to $1200 a month rent. Easy choice really. I miss the mountains, living in SE Michigan the whole time I was young makes it easy to see that much of Colorado has taken way better care of the nature. But I also think much of Michigan gets a bad rep just because of the SE part of the state.

They really are two of the most beautiful states. I have always loved Oregon too. Its like they took the mountains of Colorado and laid Michigan on top. Everything is green and wet with rivers and lakes all over, and there is still tons of pristine wilderness to disappear in to.

Oh and as for the people..... I think they are both great. Although in Colorado people are more likely to hug you and in Michigan people will tell you like it is, whether its nice or not.
Uh oh! I think You and Draig may know or know of each other from Saginaw... Class of '83 ... went to school w/ the kids from Arthur Hill.... North Side... unfortunately-- Saginaw is no longer the place it once was.... I was a Lansing Brat.... We now are in "Da Boonies" between point A & Point B on the Dunes trails..... All woodland, National Forest and Beaches....
We still go to "Sagnasty" every Month- almost all his Family is still there in some of the smaller/quieter neighborhoods.... My Family is smack in the Middle of Lansing- we don't go there if not necessary... they prefer the break and come here... ;)


Active Member
I spend as much time in Onekama and Manistee in the spring, summer, and fall as I can. Hopefully will move to that area sooner then later.

Rare D MI

New Member
Should I not mention that I wasn't born in '83 then? How many of you feel old now? :lol:

sorry... Had to do it...