Ok, so I have my medical license, and was wondering about getting a care-giver, I wanted to have my friend as my caregiver since he owns the place that he lives in and I live in an apartment, however he does not have a medical marijuana license and is not a patient, I was reading up on the laws and I didn't find anywhere that said you have to be a medical marijuana patient to be a caregiver in colorado, but the doctors told me that you have to have a license to be a caregiver and then suggested that I make the dispensary (which is in connection to the doctor that recommended my use of medical marijuana) my caregiver.
So I was wondering if that was at all the case or if I could find some random joe on the street and make them my caregiver, assuming I trusted them?
I realize this is supposed to go in the legal/medical marijuana forum but no one is viewing those.
I just moved here last week and here is the information
http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/medicalmarijuana/How do I become a care 2.pdf
How do I become a care-giver?
The only way to become a care-giver is to have a patient list you as such. Registered medical marijuana patients may select one adult (age eighteen years or older) resident of Colorado to be their primary care-giver. The selection is documented either on the patients original application form or on a change of care-giver form.
Effective August 30, 2009, the Registry will no longer be sending revised registration cards solely on the basis of a change of care-giver.
patient may change care-givers at any time for any reason.
patient is not required to have a care-giver. It is an option for the patient.
t is up to the patient to notify a person that the patient has removed them as a care-giver. The Registry does not send any notice to the care-giver.
here is no separate registration process for care-givers.
here is no separate application form for the care-giver.
he Registry does not maintain a listing of individuals interested in becoming a care-giver.
patient may not be their own care-giver.
he patients physician may not be their care-giver.
he care-giver must be a person, not a business, corporation, etc.
here is no specific training or other requirement the care-giver must meet other than being selected by a patient.
EXCEPTION: For patients who are less than 18 years of age, the primary care-giver must be a parent residing in Colorado.
If a patient lists you as their care-giver, the Registry recommends that you retain:
A copy of the registration card listing you as the care-giver; OR
A copy of the application form or change of care-giver form that lists you as the care-giver, AND
A copy of proof of mailing the forms to the Registry.