Colorado crack down...


Well-Known Member
Unless it caused a massive backlash and Trump saw it hurting his reelection chances in 2020, or hurting republicans in 2018. If Trump truly doesn't care about anything then yeah, we might have some very real issues.
more likely that not....


Well-Known Member
Unless it caused a massive backlash and Trump saw it hurting his reelection chances in 2020, or hurting republicans in 2018. If Trump truly doesn't care about anything then yeah, we might have some very real issues.
Kleptocracy doesn't care about public opinion. That's why they want large police forces. There are private prisons with space too.

Face it, you've been shagged.


Well-Known Member
For sure. My legal four outdoors cost me about 70 bucks to grow and produced almost 7 pounds, enough to last me 60 years at my lightweight one-hit-done rate of consumption. I'm turning a lot of it into edible coco-oil and hash for long term freezer storage. I can't sell but can gift. Nobody is going to have to go to the dispensary very soon. We just give it away.

I really can't empathize with people who feel this is somehow unfair. Get a growing license if you want to scale up to commercial quantities. Don't fuck us up by sneaking around the regulations and going black market. Someday weed will be treated like home-brewing. Until that day, stick to the state regs and don't give the Feds an excuse to roll up the state systems.

Last year it was Indica. Next year it will be a Sativa-leaning hybrid. After that, I'm not sure. Not saying I grow the best fire, just saying it tastes really good, is really strong, costs next to nothing and I know what was sprayed on the plants (answer: nothing). Over time, I'll accumulate a nice selection that can be replenished by planning ahead.

To jerks like, @Rob Roy , I don't subscribe to your weird ass anarchocapitulationism. A rec grower can easily live within constraints with plenty for family and the friends who don't grow or want to trade gifts for the sake of variety.

@spandy is a narc or an informant. He's complaining that people can make money legally selling weed. No wonder. It cuts into the vig he gets from the DEA confiscation money. No wonder he's happy with Trump and his Trump's appointee for Attorney General.
Try one of the original Skunks...

They're a good middle ground between the two.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you an example of why you are just engaging in wishful thinking when it comes to an unpopular action that Trump will do for his benefit.

Trump is front and center on breaking the court's Roe V Wade ruling. He doesn't care about abortion. Not too long ago he supported the right of a woman to choose. For political purposes he's siding with conservative Christians. He sold out the rights of half the population to get elected. He's not one bit afraid of backlash or protests which will certainly occur. Already have occurred as a matter of fact.

As you say, Trump is a "big business president". He basically ran against big business but now it's clear that he's going to be the best big business president that big business ever had. So we already have an example of how Trump flipped positions now that he's the presumptive president. Can you name a big business that has interests in stopping medical MJ in it's current form? How about Big Pharma? Big Pharma is threatened by legal and low cost availability of medical mj. Their whole business model depends on monopoly and industrial chemical drug production. I absolutely can see how Big Pharma and the Trump Kleptocracy would benefit from shutting down legal rec and medical MJ.
Again, Trump doesn't care about controversy. He uses any means to snuff negative comments. Will use police action too.

Not saying this is going to happen. But am saying you ignore Trump's actions while cherry picking his words which even his own people say are worthless.

This is where you go off the deep end. Did you forget his law an order speech at the RNC? Don't you remember the illegal endorsements he received from law enforcement unions when he promised doubling police forces? You are making shit up about "10% of the reason why Trump was elected". @Flaming Pie was all about fear of crime and Trump supporters when interviewed said they feared going into cities where they would get shot. Trump absolutely ran up the false flag of increasing crime and death in cities. His supporters ate that shit up.

And just like every damn Trump supporter I talk to, you all cherry pick Trump's words, conveniently forget what he said and ignore the only real evidence of what he plans to do, which is his assembling a militaristic cabinet, stacked with people who have harsh views on "law breakers" including pot heads.
Why do you assume I'm a Trump supporter? I was actually a Sanders supporter. And yes, this is wishful thinking/cherry picking. Trump has too many conflicts between his statements and actions to know what the hell is going on with him. I'm just saying all this 'chicken little' stuff prior to anything even happening is getting old. We need to at least see what happens before panicking. If Trump/Sessions DO go full retard on this issue then I'll probably be right here screaming about it, and plotting things to do. However, at this moment such discussion is ultimately just unsubstantiated fear mongering.

Stuff like THIS is productive and what people should be putting their energy into. Let Trump be aware that this is a real issue with his AG pick, and try to get a statement out of him regarding this.


Well-Known Member
Why do you assume I'm a Trump supporter? I was actually a Sanders supporter. And yes, this is wishful thinking/cherry picking. Trump has too many conflicts between his statements and actions to know what the hell is going on with him. I'm just saying all this 'chicken little' stuff prior to anything even happening is getting old. We need to at least see what happens before panicking. If Trump/Sessions DO go full retard on this issue then I'll probably be right here screaming about it, and plotting things to do. However, at this moment such discussion is ultimately just unsubstantiated fear mongering.
You are supporting him and apologizing for him. Why should I not call you one?

Stuff like THIS is productive and what people should be putting their energy into. Let Trump be aware that this is a real issue with his AG pick, and try to get a statement out of him regarding this.
Trump doesn't care about protests or petitions (lol). He does care about money and power, which is his for the next couple of years at least. I supported Sanders too. It didn't keep me from recognizing Trump for what he is. I don't know why you are apologizing for him.


Well-Known Member
You are supporting him and apologizing for him. Why should I not call you one?
I'm not supporting him. I'm just saying all this fear about a crackdown on the cannabis industry is a little premature. It's way down there on the list of republican priories. Sessions will probably be more preoccupied with cracking down on immigration and groups like BLM. Honestly I think Trump will be a nightmare for this nation in a multitude of ways. Depending on what he does, he could trigger another great depression, civil war, secession of states, WW3, nuclear war etc.


Well-Known Member
We have a problem, Colorado. It's called Nevada. Maybe Arizona and Utah. I don't know how to cross that divide. I'll be glad to offer asylum.

Better yet, let's stay in the union and fight this bastard together.
after trump gets done with his wall, we'll outdo him with ours.

AZ and NM stay I think. Utah, fuck em!

we have gambling in CO so NV is gone too.


Well-Known Member
I'm not supporting him. I'm just saying all this fear about a crackdown on the cannabis industry is a little premature. It's way down there on the list of republican priories. Sessions will probably be more preoccupied with cracking down on immigration and groups like BLM. Honestly I think Trump will be a nightmare for this nation in a multitude of ways. Depending on what he does, he could trigger another great depression, civil war, secession of states, WW3, nuclear war etc.
I'm completely with you regarding Trump being a hazard to this country and the world. Just saying "I supported Sanders" makes me wonder if you were one of the people who gave Trump the election by sitting on the sidelines. If so, you did in fact help Trump gain the presidency.

I'll admit that I've gone a bit overboard in the "Trump will kill legal MJ in the states" argument. I don't know what he will do. I'm just saying that we should take his own media adivsor's advice and ignore what Trump says. What he did was nominate Sessions for AG. His nomination has to be ratified. So, let's make a first stand there by encouraging our congressmen to oppose his nomination.


Well-Known Member
Let's turn SuperMax into a grow facility and make all the prisoners live in Pueblo. Viva la revolution! Can't wait for the Nebraska wall.
No way, build it along I-25, cuz eastern Colorado is basically the same as West Kansas.
after trump gets done with his wall, we'll outdo him with ours.

AZ and NM stay I think. Utah, fuck em!

we have gambling in CO so NV is gone too.
Eastern Colorado is so rabidly right wing that state representatives actually floated the idea of eastern Colorado secessionism.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
For sure. My legal four outdoors cost me about 70 bucks to grow and produced almost 7 pounds, enough to last me 60 years at my lightweight one-hit-done rate of consumption. I'm turning a lot of it into edible coco-oil and hash for long term freezer storage. I can't sell but can gift. Nobody is going to have to go to the dispensary very soon. We just give it away.

I really can't empathize with people who feel this is somehow unfair. Get a growing license if you want to scale up to commercial quantities. Don't fuck us up by sneaking around the regulations and going black market. Someday weed will be treated like home-brewing. Until that day, stick to the state regs and don't give the Feds an excuse to roll up the state systems.

Last year it was Indica. Next year it will be a Sativa-leaning hybrid. After that, I'm not sure. Not saying I grow the best fire, just saying it tastes really good, is really strong, costs next to nothing and I know what was sprayed on the plants (answer: nothing). Over time, I'll accumulate a nice selection that can be replenished by planning ahead.

To jerks like, @Rob Roy , I don't subscribe to your weird ass anarchocapitulationism. A rec grower can easily live within constraints with plenty for family and the friends who don't grow or want to trade gifts for the sake of variety.

@spandy is a narc or an informant. He's complaining that people can make money legally selling weed. No wonder. It cuts into the vig he gets from the DEA confiscation money. No wonder he's happy with Trump and his Trump's appointee for Attorney General.

It's so cute when you lick Massa's boots like that.