Colorado growers, our days could be numbered

It's unconstitutional to put in any restriction saying "good moral character" but I suggest you don't point that out too much in case it does pass.
The tobacco giants would ultimately be the biggest winners, because this line of thinking just leads that way.

It's really stupid no scratch that rediculous for any medical patient to argue this being a good idea all you are doing is shooting yourself in the foot. If being ripped off with high prices is your concern then limit prices, nothing else. Everything mentioned above has only one outcome and that is higher prices and less freedom. You are intentionally squashing the opportunity for anyone but the wealthy to get into it and they aren't known for compassion over profit are they?

Not to mention the minute this passes your clubs will dry up completely for however long it takes new places to get approved for being good and moral and being able to afford the politicians and the right property. You effectively cut off any way to get medicine for the next year at least, other than growing your own.

couldn't have said it better myself... rep +
romers a prick i just got my card and was hopin to offer caregiver sevices because of the prices plus i really love to grow . I read a story inthe pueblo chieftin about a caregiver who has 10 paitents and he gives them only a half ounce and sells the rest to dipeneries how is this fair when he gets to grow 6 plants per patient. i say grow a good supply for your self and then lets not buy from the dispeneries maybe they will lower prices then
I would also check into the politicians background who supports this and see if there isn't a tie to big tobacco or dispensaries or other local farmers or something, find out who has paid him to be so concerned about you that they want to limit the competition. It could be a local government way to just get rid of it for the most part. It sounds like a tax stamp they won't issue with the good and moral thing and so many restrictions. If all the other restrictions don't get you, there's always that ambiguous one.

It's the same scheme the brothel owners in vegas (and maybe casinos) use to keep out competition, if you've ever seen the documentary on Heidi Fleiss (can't recall the name of it) you'll see exactly what I mean. No more brothels can be opened unless city coucil approves and the brothel owners association owns the city council.
romers a prick i just got my card and was hopin to offer caregiver sevices because of the prices plus i really love to grow . I read a story inthe pueblo chieftin about a caregiver who has 10 paitents and he gives them only a half ounce and sells the rest to dipeneries how is this fair when he gets to grow 6 plants per patient. i say grow a good supply for your self and then lets not buy from the dispeneries maybe they will lower prices then

Fuck the dispensaries, they're the ones that created this problem to begin with. A few years ago most dispensary owners were old schoolers or people with legitimate health issues, and they kept things discreet. Now they're all 25 year old greedy punks throwing it in everyones face by hanging signs with pot leaves over Broadway and Sheridan Blvd, people started complaining and now lawmakers feel they have to do something about it. So what started out as something to get the dispensaries under control has turned into a bill that will give dispensaries complete control over it all, down to the growing. All because they are the ones with the money and are using it to lobby Senators.
Dang why all the haters on dispensaries? Those people you bitch about are the enterpeneurs closest to your own level that support the use of pot for some reason or another not your enemy. If it weren't for them you would have NO access and they still risk all sorts of legal troubles there is good reason they should save up a bankroll if they can while they can at any minute they can be shut down. You don't know who the enemy is, so don't go all crazy.

If you don't like the prices don't go there and encourage AS MUCH COMPETITION AS YOU CAN.

If you look at Cali now, they have much lower prices across the board available than what you guys are talking about because all kinds of people have gotten involved. I have a magazine in front of me showing 25$ eights all the time at many places, but you can almost bet it's not the places in where the number of dispensaries or growers are restricted like San Diego.

Sounds like a bill that would be easily defeated if you had the right resources. I would watch who your allies are though, NORML owns the first pot cafe here, so I find that a bit scary that they won't have an interest in making it free and legal for everyone anymore technically if that plays into things wrong somehow.

I'm not saying NORML is doing something wrong, it just looks exceptionally suspicious to me so I would just keep it in mind.
Dang why all the haters on dispensaries? Those people you bitch about are the enterpeneurs closest to your own level that support the use of pot for some reason or another not your enemy. If it weren't for them you would have NO access. You don't know who the enemy is so don't go all crazy.

If you don't like the prices don't go there and encourage AS MUCH COMPETITION AS YOU CAN.

If you look at Cali now, they have much lower prices across the board available than what you guys are talking about because all kinds of people have gotten involved. I have a magazine in front of me showing 25$ eights all the time at many places, but you can almost bet it's not the places in where the number of dispensaries or growers are restricted like San Diego.

Sounds like a bill that would be easily defeated if you had the right resources. I would watch who your allies are though, NORML owns the first pot cafe here, so I find that a bit scary that they won't have an interest in making it free and legal for everyone anymore technically if that plays into things wrong somehow.

I'm not saying NORML is doing something wrong, it just looks exceptionally suspicious to me so I would just keep it in mind.

I think his point is that dispensary owners have become greedy and they are in it simply for the money and not the cause and now have just about ruined it for the rest of us and I couldnt agree more. The owners I know are ONLY doing it for the money and would be out there selling eight balls of coke if it were legal.

Those of us that support the cause and are actually helping people are going to be pushed out simply because we werent greedy, and the ones that were greedy will be rewarded and allowed to corner the market.
Bring us all the greedy fuckers and let them open all the shops they want here, we'd love to have dispensaries at all and we still don't after 10 years of having medical marijuana legal. We have that one NORML ____cafe____ thing nobody can afford to use because the costs are ridiculous to go in there and you get one 1/8th a day or something stupid. AND THAT'S NORML. Way higher than what you are paying. You must pay to be a member of NORML and pay to be a member there specifically both per year and pay to go in each and every time like $60 a day or some stupid shit.

Maybe they have to save up to be ready for legal fees and loosing their income and landing in jail at any minute, I don't know, but if NORML
charges this what do you expect from anyone else who's the first and taking all the risks they do. You are being totally unrealistic.

Anyone could be the enemy and no-one could be you just don't know. It could be a bad bill just written on good intentions alone, I just say look for it all and direct the anger the right direction and encourage more and more of them, that will fix it and nothing else will.
i see your point oregonmeds the more stores the more competitive prices get where you at what city im in pueblo west and we only got 2 places to go and they charge as much as 65 -70 an 1/8 for stuff like kush or white widow there is no way it costs that much to produce but i can complain about prices all night because im a broke f*&%^ker and to be honest if i have enough after i get my 2 ozs ill sell it to the dispensereries and ill want the most they will give me too. we eally just need to make sure to keep emailing the senator and stuff like that
i see your point oregonmeds the more stores the more competitive prices get where you at what city im in pueblo west and we only got 2 places to go and they charge as much as 65 -70 an 1/8 for stuff like kush or white widow there is no way it costs that much to produce but i can complain about prices all night because im a broke f*&%^ker and to be honest if i have enough after i get my 2 ozs ill sell it to the dispensereries and ill want the most they will give me too. we eally just need to make sure to keep emailing the senator and stuff like that

you should go and visit the guys in canon city their prices are cheap and their product is awesome !!!
If you want to grow for anyone other than yourself you will have to get a 'growers license' and only be able to legally grow in places zoned for agriculture and you must sell to dispensaries only.

Ok, I have to agree on many aspects of what the Colorado government (mainly Romer) is trying to do. To be totally honest, I agree with quite a bit of it. I do not currently live in Colorado, but as soon as I am out of, ummm my job, then I will be moving to Colorado w/ my family and a long list of qualifying ailments for me to be a MMJ Card Holder. All that being said, I could care less as long as I have the right as a MMJ patient to grow MY OWN medicine. I will probably never buy from a dispensary, nor will I ever have the need for a caregiver. My wife is extremely versed in, in home health care amongst other facets of the medical fields. I do have some compassion and sympathy for the caregivers and patients that definitely won't benefit from a few of these changes, but I refuse to believe that it's all for the worse. Think about it, they would just be cementing in what we, as avid marijuana advocates, have worked so hard to achieve. That is a solid base for legal marijuana in the US.

So what if you have to pay a little more money out. So what if you can't run your scams on people in becoming their caregivers. So what if you can't hide extra curricular activities through your dispensary. So what if you're a fake "patient" just trying to get high. Regulations on age and ailment are a good thing to have in this aspect. Proper zoning to keep dispensaries away from schools and churches are a good thing. Proper taxing ensures that there is no under the table action going on and if there is then it makes it easier to be caught. Legalizing the dispensaries with NO gray zone will halter incoming trafficking so much, that this "War on Drugs" will slowly turn away from marijuana and face where it needs to be faced. I could go on for days about the good of some of these proposals.

Now here's the bad. Federal still hasn't accepted State laws. Having to have a license to own/run a dispensary as well as a license to grow, as well as having to pay all the above taxes puts your name out there across the board. This may be Romer's plan all along. Put the dispensary owner's names out there and that will make them decide what's really worth it in their minds. Helping patients? Being a FULL MMJ Advocate? Loving to grow? Making lot's of money? Or will they be asking themselves if it's all worth possibly having a Federal indictment slammmed down on their ass.

I also have one more thing to address that has been bothering me about all the whining and bitching by the dispensaries. They are claiming that because of the additional taxes and licenses that will be required by them, which by the way would make them no different than any other business today, that they will have to raise the prices on their medicine. Therefore affecting the patients and caregivers ability to get good medicine at a low cost. I call BULLSHIT. I used to sell, illegally which believe me is way harder than selling legally. I know what it costs for an 1/8 up to a pound or more in the streets. I'm not talking about some schwagg here either. I'm talking about some dank, stinky, digustingly good buds (that most dispensaries don't have anyway) All of the dispensaries over charge for their shit anyway. Come on $70 an 1/8?!?! $20 + a gram?!?! Get the F outta here with that shit. That's freakin highway robbery. We all know what it really costs to have a decent harvest. We also all know that if you claim that you will have to jack up the price because of these new proposals, then you're full of shit. So who's really screwing over the patients and caregivers? Not Romer. It's the dispensaries.

Anyway, like I said, as long as I can still personally grow my own medicine, my own 6 plants and 2 personal ounces, w/o having to have a license, then I could care less about the dispensaries and I'm sure others like me feel the same way. That's all I got for now. You wanted an educated thought process or debate in the matter right? Well here it is.
I don't know the details of what's going on there nor am I defending jacked up prices, but I'm curious...

Why do you think it's necessary to keep dispensaries or any of it away from schools and churches? Schools and churches are everywhere and in some instances practically unavoidable. There is zero difference between a dispensary and a pharmacy, other than the specific medicine, pharmacy carrying the more dangerous stuff of all and nobody calls for getting pharmacies banned from certain areas.

You need a prescription... Same exact thing.
I don't know the details of what's going on there nor am I defending jacked up prices, but I'm curious...

Why do you think it's necessary to keep dispensaries or any of it away from schools and churches? Schools and churches are everywhere and in some instances practically unavoidable. There is zero difference between a dispensary and a pharmacy, other than the specific medicine, pharmacy carrying the more dangerous stuff of all and nobody calls for getting pharmacies banned from certain areas.

You need a prescription... Same exact thing.

Well, for arguments sake... People in general (regardless of what you or I think) associate marijuana, medical or not, with other things that they deem not so compatible with society. Things like alcohol, strip clubs, tattoo parlors, etc. They also deem that these places will bring unwanted/unsavory people to the areas. It's all about appearance vs. acceptance. If we want this to really happen, really be legal or decriminalized then we need to let the government share this pie too. No one fighting for or against this cause can have their cake and eat it too, well not anymore. There has to be compromises. Adding to this as well, I believe that governing the people's ages and ailments is a must if it is to be more widely accepted. They don't just want some 18 year old punk kid to be able to walk into a place, claim he has chronic pain, w/ no previous medical record and then recieve his card. Now I am not going to agree with Romer's theory that it can cause crime and other bs like that. Do we see an increase in crime near bars and strip clubs, maybe if you consider a few fights to be crimes. But otherwise no. I just simply think that we need to get rid of the grey areas. Thats what everyone is so worried about. The grey areas and loop holes that dispensaries and others alike are using, will only end up tearing our dreams apart. If there is no grey, then there is no what if. You do something outside the law and you get slammed. If you stay within the law, then everyone, the cities, the counties, the towns, the neighborhoods and yes even including the government stays happy. That's what this is all about anyway. Everyone getting a piece of the pie, throwing in their 2 cents, making deals, and coming to a compromise so we can all be legal.
I live in Oregon and have been medically growin my own for 3 years. My take on this is well..... another government ran entity( they couldn't even run a whore house right..The Mustang Ranch..... they want control over pot so they can TAX it. Many on here say well I don't care if they do it that way in Colorado or anywhere else just as long as I can still do my thing. Well I guarantee you if they can make money off of the dispensers it won't take long for them to figure out how much more money they could get if they eliminate home growin and make it illegal for anyone but the choosen government ran growers to do it. People need to quit whinning if they actually are( who knows if anyone actually is ). I know conspiracey therory.... but look at the past year they have taken over Wall St., Auto Industry, Banks etc. We must stay united in our quest to have pot leaglized and be free to anyone who needs it. If this makes no sense don't ignore all of it as I am medicated at the moment. I'm sure I've made some good points in there somewhere. If the Feds run it they will frick it up.
You have made some valid points. I have to admit that. Unforunitely though, it's in Colorado's state constitution that a person that does not desire to have a caregiver, can and will grow their own medicine. The state can't touch that and I'm sure that federal won't. Now later on after legalization, they may require you to pay property taxes or some other bullshit to allow you to continue to grow, but I really believe that the people will always be able to grow their own in Colorado.
Sorry to hear about this Colorado...Co-op's(dispensaries) are going to make a fortune here in Los Angeles also if the 70 original co-ops are the only ones that are aloud to stay open, and growers are going to be phased out as only co-ops are aloud to produce on site. We have over 700(I believe) here in LA county(not just city 10-12,000,000 people). Going down to 70 will make the owners multi-millionaires within a few weeks, and they wont be able to produce enough to keep supply(only aloud 5lb at a time, and I think 20plants growing at a time. Plants take longer then one week to me).
It seem that several of the original Medical Marijuana states are under a full scale attack from both, outside forces(DEA, Feds etc.), and inside forces(state, local governments, and those who control them..people with money, and power..oh and the drug cartels who can only profit from this...I read an estament that the Mexican Drug cartel(sela noma or something sounding like that) cash from pot in down 45% in the last 5 years do to MM laws..)..
Good luck Colorado..Stay strong, and VOTE!!

MacGuyver good job with the bumbs