Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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New Member
this is all old news, the world is about to end in 2012/12 people WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIVES?!?!?!?!? go and kill some people for the police.

911 was just a way for us to bomb the shit out of the middle east so we could occupy them and get they oil

That is old news...


Well-Known Member
In the most recent shooting we've all heard about that happened up north in Connecticut or whatever state it was, his mother worked at the School. So obviously he must have had some problems with her, or the attention she gave her students. With James Holmes... He just wanted to cause Chaos. I really think it was the police.


Well-Known Member
This is the fifth old thread of yours you have resurrected in the last 15 minutes. Do you really need attention THAT bad? What a pathetic tool.
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