Colorado Med Growers, Unite


Well-Known Member

I read about it in a post by Uncle Ben and ordered a used copy from Amazon for $5.99, it came today, I could not put it down! Everything I have learned, read or seen just clicked for me

I have both of the so called Bibles and thay are comic books compared to this one

I know we have some experienced growers in this thread from CO and I'm thankful for that, you guys (& gals) might already have it but for all you new growers trust me you want this book!

completely dispells the myths like airing out chlorine
explains PH for both water & soil better than anything I've read
I skipped the hydro chapters but I'm sure they are good as well
Explains nutes and tells how to dial them in to perfection
Explains why big single colas happen (they are not suposed to) tells how to avoid it, in more than one way
absolutely great info about temps and humidity

I gotta say that a lot of the info is here in this forum, I've read it, but what this book has is the details, the whys and wherefores, the reasoning and logic as well as studies, research and reports

If you don't have it, you want it

I will also say that the pics suck they are black & white and not much use but the text is golden

Have a Happy New Year All :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, happy new year.

As some of you may have heard, I recently had a triple infestation. Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, and White Flies (I think).

I sprayed heavily with Mite X, I removed all the leaves with white dots, and I released 3,000 Lady Bugs. I haven't seen any signs of the pest bugs in about 10 or 11 days until today.

There's no damage on any of the leaves, but I saw a couple of tiny white dots on the rim of the planter today when I was getting ready to flush the plant.

I'm not sure if this is something from the old infestations, or if the stocking filter I have on my intake failed to stop them. I raised the temp in the room to mid 70s so the lady bugs are a lot more active now. I'm really hoping that will help.

But I'd love to know what it was so I can keep my eye out for those signs in specific. I don't have a microscope or a magnifying glass yet, sorry. I was wondering if anyone knows which pest looks white to the human eye, or if several look white? They're the size of a pin head dot and they move pretty quick for something that small.

Any help is appreciated, and as always I'll +rep for help.


Well-Known Member
Hey all thought we could all ring in the new year with some bud porn

I just posted lots of pics in my journal

but felt it could be fun to share

so here is one of my popcorn buds just shy of week 5 to kick it off


Well-Known Member
Montana is following you guys also. How does CO. intend to tax the locals? grassroots
All marijuana sales are taxed by the state in Colorado. It just like any other business, you register with the IRS form your company and apply for local and state sales tax licenses.

There are currently no other regulations, I'm sure some will come down but for now its kinda a free for all.:peace:


Well-Known Member
All marijuana sales are taxed by the state in Colorado. It just like any other business, you register with the IRS form your company and apply for local and state sales tax licenses.

There are currently no other regulations, I'm sure some will come down but for now its kinda a free for all.:peace:

LOL.... pretty much like NewGrowth said, although one of the senators here (Romer) is trying to pass legislation controlling who can grow, and where,etc...not good, IMO. Stay tuned as it's still a bill in progress, and not final YET.
Here's link to thread started by FlyLikeAnEagle-

And the atcual redraft of that bill in progress-

Word to CO growers AND others...don't think it cannot happen to you! Stay alert and awake!


Well-Known Member
LOL.... pretty much like NewGrowth said, although one of the senators here (Romer) is trying to pass legislation controlling who can grow, and where,etc...not good, IMO. Stay tuned as it's still a bill in progress, and not final YET.
Here's link to thread started by FlyLikeAnEagle-

And the atcual redraft of that bill in progress-

Word to CO growers AND others...don't think it cannot happen to you! Stay alert and awake!
We definitely can't let Romer get that lame ass bill passed. Though I agree there should be some regulations placed on the market I think those regulations should be decided by patients. We need a strong advocacy group out here . . . .


All marijuana sales are taxed by the state in Colorado. It just like any other business, you register with the IRS form your company and apply for local and state sales tax licenses.

There are currently no other regulations, I'm sure some will come down but for now its kinda a free for all.:peace:

I thought that marijuana wasn't sales taxable because it's rated like drugs.

Do the dispenseries pay the state and city sales taxes - or just IRS taxes?

If they do pay sales tax (meaning the customer is paying sales tax), is the tax included in the $50 eighth price?