Colorados Amendment 64? - The Official Post

Wait and see what the Feds do , this is big bussiness tossing people in jail . Unless they change the rules to legalise , they can and will jack with anyone they please . All at our expense with unlimited resources . Sorry to say this I thought we would have gone beyond this a long time ago .
Oh, that's a given fact. What I'm waiting for is who Obama will blame. Will it be the UN who we made have a no marijuana policy, Republicans obstructionism, Eric Holder or will go for what's behind door #3. "Ummm uh I choose, It's not my fault! Door #3." What did Obama win? Why I never saw this coming, "Bush did it again, along with Colonel Mustard using the candle stick in the study." Damn he's good!
It's all such rubbish . Theres big money at hand in this and unless it is more profitable to change it then we will see more of this stupidity being practiced as states try to legalise it one at a time .
Oh, that's a given fact. What I'm waiting for is who Obama will blame. Will it be the UN who we made have a no marijuana policy, Republicans obstructionism, Eric Holder or will go for what's behind door #3. "Ummm uh I choose, It's not my fault! Door #3." What did Obama win? Why I never saw this coming, "Bush did it again, along with Colonel Mustard using the candle stick in the study." Damn he's good!

Imo it matters not one whit whom anyone will blame. "Sour satisfaction" is thin gruel for the heart. cn
Wait and see what the Feds do , this is big bussiness tossing people in jail . Unless they change the rules to legalise , they can and will jack with anyone they please . All at our expense with unlimited resources . Sorry to say this I thought we would have gone beyond this a long time ago .

It is a way bigger business when you have a successful working person paying HUGE dollars in taxes. You think they would jail someone for the money when the person they are jailing is paying so much more in taxes. What if that person was also a positive part of the community? NO WAY! <<< More caps lol.
Judge Kane said he foresees marijuana following a similar path as alcohol. Toward the end of Prohibition, judges wantonly dismissed violations or levied fines so trivial that prosecutors quit filing cases, he said.
While he sees marijuana laws that target kingpins, traffickers and those who engage in violence remaining in place, he believes possession laws are endangered, he said.
"The law is simply going to die before it's repealed. It will just go into disuse," Kane said. "It's a cultural force, and you simply cannot legislate against a cultural force
I hear you carne seca! Thanks for the info meast007! You are both inspirational. All this shit about the fed...It's my belief the DEA will go after large scale growers/distributors... As they should in my opinion. I say this because fuck the cartels and if you are so concerned with gonja money you may very well be dealing with them. To any cop that thinks they are out of a job because we can now smoke is crazy. Go after the blow, meth, smack and other shit you should have been focusing on all these years. DOWN WITH BLOW!

There you go - Hey Feds, don't put me in jail for using MY drug of choice but by all means go after that guy over there because HIS drug of choice is the evil one. Says the alcoholic.