Coloured marijuana seeds


Well-Known Member
Check this out.. --> click here <-- (directs to youtube)

Apparently greenhouse seeds is actually colouring their seeds now..
You can buy white seeds, red seeds, bright green seeds, blue, orange.... any colour really..

Apparently the coating protects the seed from sunlight and heat damage, and it also contains a root stimulator that increases germination rates.

Pretty cool I think..... Surprised I never seen this before!! :hump:


bud bootlegger
yah, these colored beans have been around for awhile now.. not too sure about how i feel about them.. like is it more gimmick than anything, or does that coating actually help to stimulate root growth like stated or not? i'm not the biggest fan of ghs co. anyhoos.. but pretty cool..


Well-Known Member
I first saw them a little while ago... It was only when they mixed certin strains in the same package.. so you know what bean is what from a color code. good luck ever getting a female out of two beans.


Well-Known Member
i don't know...personally i dont really see why bother changing from natural seeds, the way its always been...