Everclear 151
is the highest alcohol content I can find without flavor. Soak cut/chopped 'product' (scissors will do) in a mason jar for A FEW DAYS. I use the tall masons that easily holds 2.5 ounces of bud, or leaf. Next, a silk screen (cheesecloth is ok) to strain all the liquid out and into a pan. Press/squeeze it all out. You do not want any organic matter included.
I do this outside, as it is flammable!!
A digital pic induction hot plate (like in the informercials) works very well for maintaining exact temps, otherwise you will be using a thermometer in a v. sticky situation. With conventional heating elements, remember the pan surface is much hotter than your thermometer will read; that's why I use the 'pic' hot plate. try to keep it (mostly) covered w a glass top to see stages and keep contents clean of debris.
First the alcohol will evaporate. Next the water. It will be easy to see these stages occur. What remains is a nearly pure oil. At the final stage, you'll mix with coconut oil post cooking and place into capsules. This is the finest way I've discovered to treat varied conditions w mmj.
occurs during this entire heating process. You can somewhat regulate what spectrum-end of Awake vs. Tired Effects by tinkering with duration of decarb time. It's easy to heat too long and the oil can get thick/hard and tricky to work with while removing from pan or for the final capping stage. If possible try to remove from heat as soon as water has evaporated. If any water remains, it will end up compromising shell of capsule.
test the product yourself before giving it to anyone. A rough estimate that i've found is.... 1/4 teaspoon weighs approx. 1.5 grams, which is 1500 milligrams. start a patient at about 50mg (of concentrate), or less, then increase dosage gradually. I take about 2-3x the amt of coconut oil and mix it in sm. dish with concentrate to fill caps. a warm water bath is used separately for both the oil and coconut to prepare the right consistency before mixing. Keep water out of mix! A dropper from a tincture bottle works well to fill caps.