Well-Known Member
A lot of dead people had those.I have smoke alarms....
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A lot of dead people had those.I have smoke alarms....
no, that's not how it works.
does your gay son know that you advocate for a position that leaves him with less rights than a straight person like myself?
also, my wife and i did not need to ask permission to marry, so stop abusing the language you retarded racial separatist. we simply filled out a form so the state would recognize our marriage. no permission needed. didn't even need to show ID.
Gay people asking the state to give them "permission" to marry....funny and sad.
How does "asking permission" qualify as a right? It seems more like they are seeking a privilege from a master.
Any gay person that wants to associate with another gay person in what they term a marriage, should do it, why do they want to get the blessing of the state? Does that mean the state owns them?
Asking permission from the state to associate with somebody else is just gay.
Rob, don't you think gay people should have legal access to "spousal" benefits like health insurance, inheritance, etc?
I'll be the first to admit that I'd like to call gay marriage a "civil union" instead of a "marriage", out of respect for the nature-sponsored traditional marriage between a man and woman that can naturally procreate. But we live in a country currently in a mad rush to accept everything unnatural as being natural.
I'd like gay people to run their own lives. I'd like straight people to run their own lives. I'd like bi people to run their own lives. I'd like ALL people to run their own lives.
I'd like human interactions to be on a consensual basis.
A person that wants to give their possessions to another person upon their death can identify that in a written agreement (will) right?
My "problem" is not that I don't recognize gay marriage, my problem is that I don't recognize any coercive (government) entities authority to make any person, gay or straight, or other, seek permission to have their relationship defined or recognized by that same coercive authority. It is absurd and slavish.
In general terms, I agree with everything you said here. But in the real world, at least in our current real world, laws are required to implement the fairness you (and I) desire.
So in your world people, gays should have the "right" to be equally suppressed by government?
Shouldn't the idea be rather than having both gays and straights be forced to acquire permission, NEITHER is placed in that subservient position?
I'll be the first to admit that I'd like to call gay marriage a "civil union" instead of a "marriage", out of respect for the nature-sponsored traditional marriage between a man and woman that can naturally produce children, families, and carry on the species. But we live in a country currently in a mad rush to accept everything unnatural as being natural.
your entire premise is flawed. i did not need to "seek permission" to get married. i filled out paperwork.
Did I "seek permission" to drive when I got my drivers license?If you hadn't filled out the paperwork, would your nanny state have granted you a "license" ?
Did I "seek permission" to drive when I got my drivers license?
Did I "seek permission" to drive when I got my drivers license?
You're not "seeking permission", you're proving to the state you can drive
If I was "seeking permission", there would be no driving test
If you hadn't filled out the paperwork, would your nanny state have granted you a "license" ?
Are you suggesting the DMV issue drivers a license for free?If you fail the test or if you pass it but don't give them money will you be prohibited from driving?
yep, they read minds nowadays.
good job basing your entire philosophy on demonstrably false premises, racial separatist.
Are you suggesting the DMV issue drivers a license for free?
You oppose drivers licenses?
You oppose drivers licenses?
Please explain this
Interesting little glimpse into that non-coercive ideal government of yours.. you'd have 10 year olds driving drunk behind the wheel as to "avoid coercion" from the government..I oppose coercion. You seem to endorse it. Can you explain that?