Comey fucks Trump, hard.

if you are talking about the Anthrax cases which were bungled by the Justice Dept and the FBI 20 years ago - yes he did bungle the investigation... but saying he prosecuted men he 'knew to be innocent' is a bold faced lie. He had evidence, however questionable, and built a case.... if the courts found the men guilty that's a matter of the reliability of jury trials and how a large scale public scare can greatly influence and skew their opinions.....

and again - he did not say there was no wiretap. Find me the evidence where he denies there was ever any surveillance of Trump tower or the Trump team. I am fairly certain you won't find it.

What he shot down was the FALSE rumor that Obama had the offices of Trump Tower wiretapped, in response to questions regarding Trump tweets. that's a certainty he said it on multiple ocassions and I can find the evidence in 10 seconds with a quick google search.... it doesn't matter how many times you say it - it doesn't make it true.

Comey never denied the surveillance of Trump tower while being grilled by Congress. He has never perjured himself, been charged with perjury, and his disciplinary record while in government roles is nearly impeccable...

I mean you can try to paint Comey as this huge liar - but that's just not going to work because all the evidence and the truth doesn't support it. It doesn't matter how much you say something - it doesn't change the reality.

Comey may be a self-aggrandizing, self-serving asshole who thinks of himself as the incarnation of all that is good and kind in the world...

but he's not a cheater, he's not a liar, he's not a criminal, he doesn't have a shady past to hide from and doesn't have to lie to cover his own ass for anything.... he's as by-the-book as it comes.....
He had evidence and hid it. That’s the “malicious prosecution” part.
Obama ordered him to keep him up to date on the investigation
He signed the damn FISA request himself, then said it didn’t happen.
He used “the dossier” he knew to be unfounded, provided by the Clinton campaign of which Obama was a member
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We can see is stupid and hatefull
I see travisc is replying to me after he blocked me. Poor little coward


I'm not quite sure where you got the impression that you mattered to me but I've never cared about anyone here enough to block them. If you said something to me and I didn't reply, it didn't mean I was afraid of you, it meant I didn't care. If it makes you feel better, I'm sure whatever you said to me was quite scathing, and would have hurt me terribly, had I bothered to read it.

I responded to your erroneous claim about James Comey without realizing I was replying to yet another of the pathetic, poor shit stains such as yourself, who return to haunt this section as sock puppets. I deleted it when I realized my mistake.

I'm not quite sure where you got the impression that you mattered to me but I've never cared about anyone here enough to block them. If you said something to me and I didn't reply, it didn't mean I was afraid of you, it meant I didn't care. If it makes you feel batter, I'm sure whatever I'm sure whatever you said to me was quite scathing, and would have hurt me terribly, had I bothered to read it.

I responded to your erroneous claim about James Comey without realizing I was replying to yet another of the pathetic, poor shit stains such as yourself, who return to haunt this section as sock puppets. I deleted it when I realized my mistake.
ask him if he is scared of me since he has me blocked lol
He had evidence and hid it. That’s the “malicious prosecution” part.
Obama ordered him to keep him up to date on the investigation
He signed the damn FISA request himself, then said it didn’t happen.
He used “the dossier” he knew to be unfounded, provided by the Clinton campaign of which Obama was a member
Peaness..splain the questions for I had axed you. Freel doe. Gives scrimpf all up in yer bones if you gwine do.
You do know Comet prosecuted and inprisoned four men he knew to b innocent. Two died in prison. The other two were adjudicated innocent and the FBI paid millions in restitution for malicious prosecution and withholding evidence. Comey said there was no wiretap. That was a lie, regardless of what he was responding nding to. He actually sign the FISA request, since I’m pretty sure you’re going to say he had no knowledge of it.
Poor Red can't even get the stories being made up by the right straight. The story is that Mueller imprisoned (not inprisoned) four innocent men and withheld evidence, etc. Too bad none of it is true. There was a scandal, Mueller had nothing to do with the case. Comey was a boy when it happened. But don't let that stop you from showing what a complete jackass you are.

You can parrot that shit all day. Your total confusion about the stories being touted by Limbaugh and Hannity are too funny and not going to save Trump. It does show how little you understand the shit you are talking about though. Please keep it up.
Actually Comey has no credibility. And everything I've seen from the book is conjecture and not facts. When the Dude's so petty's he is talking about trump's tie and hookers with golden showers you know there's a little bitter hate and bias going on.
Do you even listen to what you're saying? The former director of the FBI has no credibility?!

And instead you're going to take the word of someone who lies so often and outrageously that even his most ardent supporters admit it about him?


You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.
Do you even listen to what you're saying? The former director of the FBI has no credibility?!

And instead you're going to take the word of someone who lies so often and outrageously that even his most ardent supporters admit it about him?


You are definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.
Lol 11 senators just recommended criminal charges against him in a letter to the FBI and AG think he is still credible?
I was drunk as hell last night but this shit right here has my ribs hurting. This shit..." Ask him if he's scared of me since he blocked me" . "Hey Peabody...Uncle Buck wants to know".... holy shit those two posts back to back are FUNNY AS FUK!!! I can't help it. I got tears running. Wow that's so fukin funny.
Lol 11 senators just recommended criminal charges against him in a letter to the FBI and AG think he is still credible?
The eleven Senators? No, I don't think they are credible. They are bought and sold and seek nothing other than protecting their jobs. Any Republican politician with any spine and/or moral compass is either in open opposition or has already decided not to run for re-election.