Coming Heat Wave - How I'm going to win the war


so glad i invested ahead of time when building my space. fully insulated on all 6 sides, 2 ton mini split, and coming soon, air cooled lights. not that i need the air cooling, but it'll extend the life of my mini split.

you guys go ahead and shutdown while i keep running. the scarcity makes mine fly out the door before it is even cured. people are dying for it once the heat starts hitting.

suck it!
LOL as if you know about heat ha ha!

Go home Bucky you're drunk.

Have a good summer, love to see pics of your grow room, kiddo.
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Since when is a deficiency of a required nutrient not a problem? Told you politics would rot your brain but oh no you knew better.
Give me a minute as I compose a devastating reply ... but I am too distracted by the soft scent of leaf mold in my cranium. Best i can do is decompose a vastating reply.
As I anticipate the day's first dose of liquid leveler ... (sound of neurons going south)

Lol. Same here. I'm lucky enough to have windows to the outside in my op. In my small space a 12k BTU window unit keeps it nice and cool through the summer. I sell out fast during the summer months, too. Thanks for shutting down, guys ;)
what chords you play boi ?