Comment on my CFL Flowers

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

These pics were taken about 3-4 hours apart. The true leaves are slowly coming out. The remain cotyledon has curled under, but he stem is straight, so i am assuming it is just reacting to the stress. Little fine hairs have formed on the stem.


Hi, thanks for the pics and the posting. It seems a touchy question when discussing lighting. I`m new to this so I am sincerely curious as to the overall differences if any, between CFL`s and the HPS or MH and the effect of the overall yield and quality of the plants. I know there are expense issues but I really wouldn`t care to get into that. I would simply enjoy reading the examples of these lighting systems by someone who has actually used them both or even more such as these LED`s that people are trying out.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hi, thanks for the pics and the posting. It seems a touchy question when discussing lighting. I`m new to this so I am sincerely curious as to the overall differences if any, between CFL`s and the HPS or MH and the effect of the overall yield and quality of the plants. I know there are expense issues but I really wouldn`t care to get into that. I would simply enjoy reading the examples of these lighting systems by someone who has actually used them both or even more such as these LED`s that people are trying out.
Look at yields of peoples set ups. =)

CFLs can produce a decent yield, but you have to rearrange them often (or add more cfls) to get the best results.

The MH and HPS produce a good yield because they penetrate the canopy well. The light doesnt diminish by distance as fast as it does with CFLs. Ballasts for MH and HPS are expensive tho.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I decided to cover the seedling with a vented dome. The humidity in the house is 16%!! I tried getting my furnace humidifier to work, but to no avail.

Now she is sitting at 50% humidity. Hopefully I see an increase in her growth rate.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I've been researching the Mazar strain, apparently the seedlings grow pretty slow. From other grows I have seen, it takes about 2 weeks for the second set of true leaves to show.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I gave an 1/4 dosage of Alaska Fish Fert tonight. It was given to my first set of seedlings at this age. It never burnt them.

The seedlings are still under 24hr light.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
*sigh* She grow so slow!!! I wish there was more to report.

I am definitely growing more than one seed when I run the FCJ.


Well-Known Member
Ms. Flame you know this lil ones take a while before they take off ;) it's should be ready by the time you will need it the most :P after having that baby that is ;) all those sleep less nights lol


Well-Known Member
Ms. Flame from what I have read and seen around, deep bass music and angry music have negative impact on plants. Plants tend to like more softer music, but that's only what I read so I might be wrong.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine feeding her a little bit of that organic stuff!

And my babies love music too :) At least 2x's a week!

Keepin my fingers crossed for ya

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I finally got the mini tent set up for her. Temps are now steady at 81.

She looks like she might be trying to push out her second set of leaves.