comment please

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Lookin good! Could've made a pic of the whole thing, but still, lookin good.

What strain is it? That light is a bit whitish...or did you just shift the white balance of your camera... what light are you using?


Active Member
400 hps,took the picture with my cellphone.
the strain is orange bud,im thinkin to cut her down in about a month but im not sure!?
will post better pictures

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I'd let her flower for another month and a week, maybe even two weeks to get some really really resin dripping buds. Post some pics and keep us updated on her progress to be sure when to harvest her.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Wow... your plant has a very nice green to it and beautiful dense leaves and flowers. You're really gonna be proud of this puppy.

Stand by my previous suggestion. 1 month and 1 or 2 weeks left.


Active Member
I have recently bought "white berry" seeds.will plant them after she is finished.
I know they will be as beautiful as this one but ,I heard they are very difficult to grow!?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I don't know about white berry, since i never grew it, but it can't be harder to grow. I mean... as long as you take good care of her, good nutes, good soil, good light, good air, no bugs, nice temps and humidity, it'll be a breeze to grow it.


Active Member
i guess im just worried since I lost 4 babies (blue berry) couple of
months ago..:( ,this one is the only one that survived..
im new to this so I gues its trial and error.
tnx anyway..l
LET DA HEARB GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I have no idea,they where doing fine for about 6 weeks and then they died in about 10 days.R.I.P..
this one also had a close death expiriance but she made it.
my guess is heat stress but im not shure