Commercial setup help


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon fellow Rollitupers :P

Been a while I haven't been here, been reading plenty.

I was wondering if I could bother any commercially inclined enthusiast to let me know what he/she would think about this. We are working on a small scale grow. 10 lights per room.

We intend to build on a commercial level, and with engineers. Problem is, for everything about processing flow and work flow, they are great. But since they are unfamiliar with indoor gardens, they kind of rely on me to give the specs of the grow rooms. I have experience with growing but am far from knowing everything. I've never worked with Co2 in my hobby gardens before as I got decent results without it.

I have 2 questions :

1. would be, should I consider having the CO2 injection through our HVAC system be a good idea, or are we simply over complicating things, as it is an expensive alternative to common bottle+reg+flow valve setup. I would be inclined to have that feature removed from our plans, and simply have a bottle ou 5 around to install every new growth. A little bit like Medicine Man in colorado looks to be doing it.

2. They are unsure on the sealed room air exchange number. A lot of speculation at 12 to 30 air changes per hour, and even 50 times an hour was expressed. I'm thinking that way too much, especially if we want to have 1000-1200ppm of co2 during lights on stage.

After reading a bit about it this morning, since it takes a certain time to fill up a room of let's say why would I wanna push or change the air so often? Wouldnt it be just a wasted?

If anyone has some sort of rule of thumb for the air exchange measure I would appreciate it.

Oh and I bought three a light last month, what a fucken disappointment. Won't find that info in that book.

Thank you
I’ll write you a step by step, Taylored to you 3p a light , how too for $500

Why would u run bottles and not burners?
Why would u exchange air in a sealed room? Kinda defeats the purpose.
I was trying to avoid burners. As being a possible fire hazard and also insurance issue. You can call me old fashion but I'm the type of person that prefers the simplified path and take the safest route every time. I know some are now water-cooled and have come a long way from the first editions of these units. But to me, a flame in a grow-op is not ideal.

I got to the bottom of it with the engineers after all, the exchange is to be set at maximum 30 exchanges per hour, but recirculating the same air back in the room. Only adding 5 to 10% of fresh air into the mix, I was concerned that they were suggesting a full air exchange with 90 to 100 percent fresh air around those numbers. It sounded quite dumb but I needed a solid argument to let them know they were heading in the wrong direction with the garden part of our design. I was trying to get a definite rule of thumb measure on the numbers of exchanges that can be the most efficient. Even with their 30 exchanges, I am set to dial those rooms in, during the first run. Might drop it all the way to 12 exchanges per hour.

And funny cutting the roof off ha-ha (thanks for the humor but what are you some sort of post-whore unicorn lover?) and 500$ for a forum advice is, take my money now why don't you!
Thanks for the support guys.
I was trying to avoid burners. As being a possible fire hazard and also insurance issue. You can call me old fashion but I'm the type of person that prefers the simplified path and take the safest route every time. I know some are now water-cooled and have come a long way from the first editions of these units. But to me, a flame in a grow-op is not ideal.

I got to the bottom of it with the engineers after all, the exchange is to be set at maximum 30 exchanges per hour, but recirculating the same air back in the room. Only adding 5 to 10% of fresh air into the mix, I was concerned that they were suggesting a full air exchange with 90 to 100 percent fresh air around those numbers. It sounded quite dumb but I needed a solid argument to let them know they were heading in the wrong direction with the garden part of our design. I was trying to get a definite rule of thumb measure on the numbers of exchanges that can be the most efficient. Even with their 30 exchanges, I am set to dial those rooms in, during the first run. Might drop it all the way to 12 exchanges per hour.

And funny cutting the roof off ha-ha (thanks for the humor but what are you some sort of post-whore unicorn lover?) and 500$ for a forum advice is, take my money now why don't you!
Thanks for the support guys.
Sealed room with CO2 and your going to exchange air? Sounds like you need fire those engineers before they waste more of your money. Its called a 'sealed' room for a reason.
I think you should be hiring someone rather than just mooching info at this point. YOu are no longer a basement grower and everyone is getting paid at your grow now so I dont thisnkyou should be getting it for free any more. Sorry to say. I don't mean to offend but its like asking an artist to do art for free.
I think you should be hiring someone rather than just mooching info at this point. YOu are no longer a basement grower and everyone is getting paid at your grow now so I dont thisnkyou should be getting it for free any more. Sorry to say. I don't mean to offend but its like asking an artist to do art for free.

That's your opinion. And you know what they say about opinions.

I am a hobbyist first and foremost. If I'm paying people that's my business. If I want to have the knowledge for myself as any self-taught entrepreneur would do, to make a living off something I enjoy and not only do it for profits, that too is my concern and not yours.

I'm a hands-on guy, and I won't simply pay people blindly without being able to defy their theories and trust their judgment when I have experience in the matter myself.

So to be asking a community that's given me so much knowledge and experience is not what you pretend it to be.

The reason for asking exclusively on THIS forum, is because I value the experience that every member has on this forum, whatever they specialize in. It could be having an ease with photoshop, being able to superpose a duck head on a horse's body(idc). And everyone here will still have my respect at the end of the day.

You... probably won't. And even tho you tried to make it sound positive... I don't believe it was your true intention. but thanks anyway.
Sealed room with CO2 and your going to exchange air? Sounds like you need fire those engineers before they waste more of your money. Its called a 'sealed' room for a reason.

Yeah well those we're leftover details that we're pushed from last week's meeting. This week's meeting set these variables at their place, exchanges will be within the system, only 5% of air evac versus 5% of entry with fresh filtered air.

And I know that the question was not perfect either... but it's settled.

I'll take a 2nd look at burners to make up my mind thanks to CCG.

Thanks for the suggestions and tips,
Yeah well those we're leftover details that we're pushed from last week's meeting. This week's meeting set these variables at their place, exchanges will be within the system, only 5% of air evac versus 5% of entry with fresh filtered air.

And I know that the question was not perfect either... but it's settled.

I'll take a 2nd look at burners to make up my mind thanks to CCG.

Thanks for the suggestions and tips,
Burners could be a fire code problem depending on your location but they are more economical than bottled CO2.
personally think your way over your head

Have fun ,
My last piece of advice for you , is to hire a number two, so you have someone to blame when the owners start questioning your yeild n quality.