Community Journals – Organization Thread

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
You’ve probably noticed a few threads in here titled Community Journals. These journals are open for everyone to participate, ask questions, comment, get to know other community members and have fun. Regardless of who started the thread, anyone can pick it up at any time and run with it.

Discussions around new journals are kinda fractured, spilling between journals and not very organized. My hope is we can use this thread to plan and organize new and upcoming community journals and increase participation and awareness.

These are the current community journals running.

We are planning a Bob Bitchen's Beans community journal for end of February, early march. I know a lot of us have @BobBitchen gear and I’d love to have you join us.

I don’t have the space to participate in every journal, but I’m happy to help you organize a community journal, or you can feel free to use this thread to organize and promote your community journal.
I’d be happy to donate some gear for the community run , Chernobyl Slymer S1’s would be my recommendation


Thank you Bob, that's super generous.

Let us know if you're interested in joining this journal!

I've got my chernobyl clone that I'll run and I've heard so many good things about Chicken Dinner. I've run meltdown twice... that shit is fire! And did one run of Slymer.
You’ve probably noticed a few threads in here titled Community Journals. These journals are open for everyone to participate, ask questions, comment, get to know other community members and have fun. Regardless of who started the thread, anyone can pick it up at any time and run with it.

Discussions around new journals are kinda fractured, spilling between journals and not very organized. My hope is we can use this thread to plan and organize new and upcoming community journals and increase participation and awareness.

These are the current community journals running.

We are planning a Bob Bitchen's Beans community journal for end of February, early march. I know a lot of us have @BobBitchen gear and I’d love to have you join us.

I don’t have the space to participate in every journal, but I’m happy to help you organize a community journal, or you can feel free to use this thread to organize and promote your community journal.
This is a damn good idea. I don't have the time / discipline to participate, but I think people can learn a whole lot from each other with this kind of organized dialogue.

You are such a positive influence here on RIU!
I’d be happy to donate some gear for the community run , Chernobyl Slymer S1’s would be my recommendation


id take you up on that, id be interested in running that up against some of my inhouse genetics stuff ive been watching for a while and ive seen some nice photos. my clones for late feb/early march flower run are currently in the cloner if i were to be starting seeds to run along side those in the cloner id be starting them in approx three weeks if i were to run them along side the existing clones id have room for 2.
You’ve probably noticed a few threads in here titled Community Journals. These journals are open for everyone to participate, ask questions, comment, get to know other community members and have fun. Regardless of who started the thread, anyone can pick it up at any time and run with it.

Discussions around new journals are kinda fractured, spilling between journals and not very organized. My hope is we can use this thread to plan and organize new and upcoming community journals and increase participation and awareness.

These are the current community journals running.

We are planning a Bob Bitchen's Beans community journal for end of February, early march. I know a lot of us have @BobBitchen gear and I’d love to have you join us.

I don’t have the space to participate in every journal, but I’m happy to help you organize a community journal, or you can feel free to use this thread to organize and promote your community journal.
After hearing from @shnkrmn via PM, he directed me to this thread for more info on the gear of @BobBitchen 's and a grow along and I think I am in...
I'm also planning on jumping into the BOO grow along too but not until I finish the few I've been fighting with, hang a few more panels and drivers and for the love of God, clean up the dang tents!
:lol: o_O
I'm not the best at documentation and scheduling things but I can kill beans faster than most and I occasionally post pictures when things aren't going awry on this end for others to enjoy.
@Laughing Grass
I guess I'd better contact LG to try & get things prepared for this...
Get some PMs ready to go!

I'm treating myself to a pack for my birthday in April. I told the wifey I want blue balls, and Chernobyl S1. I'll join in then. For now I'm running Chaka Kahn with Polar Gelato on the Sherbinski Community Journal. Thanks @Laughing Grass for setting everything up. You rock!!

Thank you @BobBitchen for the generosity. I hope to run everything you got. I really enjoyed the Chicken Dinner. :weed:
I need some boo in my life. How's the bean situation looking
@MIRedBuds is working on a new batch RN and I believe he said maybe in January, I was just going to offer a couple to LG to get into the BOO community grow.
I can probably get more from @MIRedBuds when he gets another run ready.
After getting a very nice batch from him, I found out he's less than a hundred miles from me...
He's the Man and he will hook us up when he gets more ready.
@MIRedBuds is working on a new batch RN and I believe he said maybe in January, I was just going to offer a couple to LG to get into the BOO community grow.
I can probably get more from @MIRedBuds when he gets another run ready.
After getting a very nice batch from him, I found out he's less than a hundred miles from me...
He's the Man and he will hook us up when he gets more ready.
That. Is. Amazing. I knew that, I posted on the thread. I think it was one of those 2am trim jail things where I could have been in a different dimension. Trim psychosis.

Thanks for jarring my memory